i–①in his book the tipping point, malcolm gladwell argues that “social epidemics” are driven in large part by the actions of a tiny minority of special individuals, often called influentials, who are unusually informed, persuasive, or well connected.
马尔科姆·格拉德威尔在其《引爆点》一书中提出,“社会盛行潮”在很大程度上由很少量异乎寻常的 自个的行为所推进,这些人一般被称为“有影响力人士”,他们或才智非常广博、或很有说服力,或人 脉极广。
i–②the idea is intuitively compelling, but it doesn’t explain how ideas actually spread.
ii–①the supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausible-sounding but largely untested theory called the “two-step flow of communication” : information flows from the media to the influentials and from them to everyone else.
ii–②marketers have embraced the two-step flow because it suggests that if they can just find and influence the influentials, those select people will do most of the work for them.
推广人员现已怅然承受这种两级活动,因为该理论认为,他们只需可以找到有影响力人士并对其施加影 响,这些精挑细选出来的我们就可认为他们结束大有些作业。
ii–③the theory also seems to explain the sudden and unexpected popularity of certain looks, brands, or neighborhoods.
ii–④in many such cases, a cursory search for causes finds that some small group of people was wearing, promoting, or developing whatever it is before anyone else paid attention.
在许多此类景象中,大概查询其缘由会发现,的确有一小有些人在其他一切人留心之前,就首先穿戴、 推广或开发各类东西。
ii–⑤anecdotal evidence of this kind fits nicely with the idea t

hat only certain special people can drive trends.
iii–①in their recent work, however, some researchers have come up with the finding that influentials have far less impact on social epidemics than is generally supposed.
可是,一些研讨人员在近期研讨中得出结论:有影响力人士对社会盛行潮的影响远比我们一般认为的要 小得多。
iii–②in fact, they don’t seem to be required at all.
iv–①the researchers’ argument stems from a simple observation about social influence: with the exception of a few celebrities like oprah winfrey—whose outsize presence is primarily a function of media, not interpersonal, influence—even the most influential members of a population simply don’t interact with that many others.
研讨人员的观念根据对社会影响的一项简略调查;除了像奥普拉?温弗瑞这样的单个名人她的特别影响力首要是媒体影响而非人际影响的作用。即就是一个集体中最具影响力的人也根柢不会与那么多的人交 往。
iv–②yet it is precisely these non-celebrity influentials who, according to the two-step-flow theory, are supposed to drive social epidemics, by influencing their friends and colleagues directly.
iv–③for a social epidemic to occur, however, each person so affected must then influence his or her own acquaintances, who must in turn influence theirs, and so on; and just how many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with the initial influential.
可是,一种社会盛行潮要构成,每个这样遭到有影响力人士影响的人都有必要接着影响自个的熟人,这些 熟人又有必要相同地影响他们的熟人,并顺次影响下去;这些人中的每自个能得到多少人重视与开始的有 影响力人士并无多大联络。
iv–④if people in the network just two degrees removed from the initial influential prove resistant, for example, the cascade of change won’t propagate very far or affect many people.
v–①building on this basic truth about interpersonal influence, the researchers studied the dynamics of social influence by conducting thousands of computer simulations of populations, manipulating a number of variables relating to people’s ability to influence others and their tendency to be influenced.
v–②they found that the principal requirement for what is called “global cascades” —the widespread propagation of influence through networks—is the presence not of a few influentials but, rather, of a critical mass of easily influenced people.
31.by citing the book the tipping point, the author intends to?
[a].analyze the consequences of social epidemics.?
[b].discuss influentials’ function in spreading ideas.?
[b].谈论有影响力人士在传达观念中的 作用
[c].exemplify people’s intuitive response to social epidemics.?
[d].describe the essential characteristics of influentials.?
32.the author suggests that the “two-step-flow theory”?
[a].serves as a solution to marketing problems.?
[b].has helped explain certain prevalent trends.?
[c].has won support from influentials.?
[d].requires solid evidence for its validity?
33.what the researchers have observed recently shows that?
[a].the power of influence goes with social interactions.?
[b].interpersonal links can be enhanced through the media.?
[c].influentials have more channels to reach the public.?
[c].有影响力人士与大众交流的途径更 多
[d].most celebrities enjoy wide media attention.?
34.the underlined phrase “these people” in paragraph 4 refers to the ones who
34.第四段标下划线短语these people 指那些___的人
[a].stay outside the network of social influence.?
[b].have little contact with the source of influence.?
[c].are influenced and then influence others.?
[d].are influenced by the initial influential.?
35.what is the essential element in the dynamics of social influence?
[a].the eagerness to be accepted.?
[b].the impulse to influence others.?
[c].the readiness to be influenced.?
[d].the inclination to rely on others.?


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