

move along, not much to see here. that seemed to be the message from openai last week, about an experiment to see whether its advanced ai chatbot gpt-4 could help science-savvy individuals make and release a biological weapon.?




the chatbot “provided at most a mild uplift” to those efforts, openai announced, though it added that more work on the subject was urgently needed. headlines reprised the comforting conclusion that the large language model was not a terrorist’s cookbook.




dig deeper into the research, however, and things look a little less reassuring. at almost every stage of the imagined process, from sourcing a biological agent to scaling it up and releasing it, participants armed with gpt-4 were able to inch closer to their villainous goal than rivals using the internet alone.




the chief takeaway from the exercise should not be a sense of relief. “[open ai] ought to be pretty worried by these results,” wrote gary marcus, a commentator who has testified on ai oversight before a us s

enate committee, last week in his widely read newsletter.


这个实验的首要收成不大约是一种安心感。在美国参议院一个委员会前就人工智能监管疑问作证的谈论员加里?马库斯上星期在他广受重视的时局通讯中写道:“[open ai] 对这些成果大约非常忧虑。”


so should we. we need better independent mechanisms for realistically assessing and curbing such threats. just as we do not permit drug companies to rule on the safety of medicines, ai risk evaluation cannot be left to the industry alone.




这篇文章节选自:financial times(金融时报)


作者:anjana ahuja

原文标题:ai’s bioterrorism potential should not be ruled out?





n. 实践常识,领会
v. 了解,懂
adj. 聪明的,有经历的



n. (尤指乐曲的)重复有些,再现部;重复,重演
v. 重复(乐曲),重演


3. reassure

v. 使安心,使消除疑虑



n. 英寸; (间隔或数量)少量; 身高,腰围
v. (数量)逐步添加(或削减); (使)缓慢移动


5. villainous

adj. 罪恶的;恶棍的;凶狠的;坏透的



n. 外卖食物;外卖饭馆;要害


7. commentator

n. 现场说明员,实况播音员; 谈论员



1.rule on ?对…做出判决




the chief?takeaway?from the exercise should not be a sense of relief.

规划:the chief?takeaway?from … should be a sense of relief.


例句:the chief?takeaway?from general physical examination should be a sense of relief.????


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