根柢信息科学研谈论文专著学生培育教育教育等待您等待莅临自个主页,祝你们夸姣高兴每一天! 自个简介 蒋庆华,博士,教授,博士生导师,院长助理,国家优良青年科学基金获得者,国家科技立异2030“新一代人工智能”严峻项目评定专家、国家要点研发方案严峻项目会议评定专家、教育部****奖赏方案评定专家,首要从事神经退行性疾病、癌症等凌乱疾病的生物信息智能处置与分析,包括疾病遗传易感变异位点辨认与功用注释、单细胞测序数据分析云平台研发、印象基因组学等有关研讨,获得了一系列研讨作用,迄今共宣告sci论文60篇。其间第一作者、通讯作者sci论文41篇,包括6篇《pnas》(if: 9.66)、3篇《nucleic acids research》(if:11.56)、1篇《bioinformatics》(if:7.31)、2篇《annals of neurology》(if: 9.89)、1篇《ieee/acm transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics》 (if: 1.96),单篇sci最高正面他引930次(谷歌 scholar计算)。作为课题担任人,掌管“生物平安要害技能研发”国家要点研发方案课题1项、国家天然科学基金面上项目及国家天然科学基金青年基金等项目11项,作为技能骨干参加国家863方案严峻项目2项,2010年获“我国百篇最具影响世界学术论文”、2011年获“第十二届黑龙江省天然科学技能学术作用一等奖”(排名第1)、2012年当选“哈尔滨工业大学基础研讨超卓人才培育方案iii类”、 2015年当选“哈尔滨工业大学青年优良人才选聘方案(破格教授)”、2016年获“国家开发银行科技立异奖”、2021年起担任世界闻名sci期刊《journal of alzheimer’s disease》副主编(associate editor, if: 3.7),2021年当选哈工大基础研讨超卓人才“跃升”培育方案。荣誉称谓2021年 获“国家优良青年科学基金” 2021年 当选哈工大基础研讨超卓人才“跃升”培育方案2016年 获“国家开发银行科技立异奖” 2015年 当选“哈尔滨工业大学青年优良人才(教授)选聘方案” 2012年 当选“哈尔滨工业大学基础研讨超卓人才培育方案iii”2011年 获”第十二届黑龙江省天然科学技能学术作用一等奖”2010年 获“我国百篇最具影响世界学术论文”作业阅历 2010.08-2013.12 哈尔滨工业大学 生物医学工程研讨中心讲师2011.11-2012.12 哈佛大学 医学院 造访专家2013.12-2015.12 哈尔滨工业大学 生命科学与技能学院 副教授2015.12—-至今 哈尔滨工业大学生命科学与技能学院 教授2016.07—-至今 哈尔滨工业大学生物信息技能研讨院 教授 2021.04—-至今 哈尔滨工业大学生物信息学党支部支部书记2021.11—-至今 哈尔滨工业大学生命科学与技能学院 院长助理 教育阅历2007.03-2010.06哈尔滨工业大学 核算机使用技能 获工学博士学位2003.09-2006.07吉林大学 计管用学及使用软件获理学硕士学位1999.09-2003.07吉林大学 信息与核算科学 获理学学士学位学术兼职国家科技立异2030“新一代人工智能”严峻项目评定专家 (2021)国家要点研发方案严峻项目会议评定专家(2021)世界sci期刊《journal of alzheimer’s disease》副主编 (associate editor) (2021.1-2021.12)(if: 3.731)世界sci期刊《international journal of data mining and bioinformatics》编委(2021.1-2021.12)(if: 0.652)第十三届世界生物信息学研讨会(the 13rd international bioinformatics workshop, ibw2021)组织委员会主席ieee international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (bibm 2016) 世界会议 poster 主席ieee international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (bibm@#%16, bibm@#%17)程序委员会委员the 14th international conference on intelligent computing (icic 2021) 程序委员会委员giw 2021 (the 29th international conference on genome informatics)程序委员会委员cbc 2021 (the second ccf bioinformatics conference) 程序委员会委员国家天然科学基金委员会信息学部、生命学部通讯评议专家我国生物工程学会计算生物学与生物信息学专委会委员我国人工智能学会生物信息学与人工生命专委会委员我国核算机学会会员、生物信息学专业组委员国内《生物信息学》期刊英文摘要校稿专家国内《生物信息学》期刊编委北京神经变性病学会会员acm会员《ieee/acm transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics》《nucleic acids research》、《bioinformatics》、《briefings in bioinformatics》、《scientific reports》、 《current bioinformatics》、《animal genetics》、《international journal of data mining and bioinformatics 》、《journal of biomedical informatics》、《plos one》、《oncotarget》、《journal of biomedical informatics》、《journal of cancer》等期刊审稿人研讨方向单细胞测序数据分析云平台:打开单细胞基因组、转录组及表观组学数据智能分析算法,研发根据亚马逊、阿里、华为等公有云?接性频牡ハ赴庑蚴莘治鲈破教āC嫦虼蠊婊巳喝蜃椴庑蚴莸囊糯湟煳坏惚嫒嫌牍τ梅治霭旆ㄑ刑?研发快速、精准的面向大规划人群基因组测序数据的变异辨认办法,联系多组学以及临床表型数据对辨认的变异位点进行功用分析。凌乱疾病的生物信息学研讨:根据生命多组学数据,辨认我国人群特定疾病有关的遗传易感变异;联系mri印象及基因组等组学数据,研讨基因与脑规划的调控联络、研发根据mri与遗传易感变异等数据的疾病风险猜测、确诊与作用评价办法。科研项目 掌管的科研项目:2021.1-2021.12,国家优良青年科学基金2021.10-2021.12,哈工大基础研讨超卓人才“跃升”培育方案2016.7-2021.12,“生物平安要害技能研发”国家要点研发方案课题2016.1-2021.12,国家天然科学基金面上项目2016.1-2021.12,哈工大青年优良人才(教授)选聘方案项目2016.1-2021.12, 黑龙江省天然科学基金面上项目2016.1-2016.12,黑龙江省留学人员择优赞助项目2012.7-2015.06,哈工大基础研讨超卓人才培育方案iii2012.1-2014.12,国家天然科学青年基金2012.9-2014.12,我国博士后第五批特别赞助基金2011.7-2013.12,我国博士后科学基金(一等赞助)2011.1-2012.12,哈工大科研立异基金2012.1-2013.12,黑龙江省博士后基金参加的科研项目:2015.1-2021.12,国家863方案严峻项目,排名:69/182012.1-2015.12,国家863项目, 排名:17/112014.1-2021.12,国家天然科学基金, 排名:8/22010.1-2012.12,国家天然科学基金, 排名:9/2 期刊论文2021 pingping wang#, liang cheng#, meng luo#, yan huang#, wenyang zhou, zhifa han, yuexin yang, peng ren, shuilin jin, guiyou liu, qinghua jiang*, yadong wang*. sc2cloud: cloud-based data analysis platform for single-cell genome, transcriptome and epigenome sequencing. (submitted) guiyou liu, yang hu, zhifa han, shuilin jin*, qinghua jiang*. genetic variant rs** regulates sim1 gene expression in human brain hypothalamus. pnas. 2021 feb 26;116(9):3347-3348. (sci if: 9.661) liang cheng#, pingping wang#, rui tian#, song wang, qinghua guo, meng luo, wenyang zhou, guiyou liu, huijie jiang*, qinghua jiang*. lncrna2target v2.0: a comprehensive database for target genes of lncrnas in human and mouse. nucleic acids research. 2021;47:d141-144. (sci if:11.561) tao wang#, zhifa han#, rui tian, wenyang zhou, peng ren, pingping wang, jian zong, yang hu, qinghua jiang*, the alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative§. polygenic risk score for alzheimer’s disease is associated with ch4 volume in normal subjects. frontiers in genetics. 2021. (accepted) (sci if: 4.151)2021guiyou liu, shuilin jin, yang hu, qinghua jiang*. disease status affects the association between rs** and the expression of alzheimer’s disease susceptibility gene trib3. pnas. 2021 nov 6;115(45):e10519-e10520. (sci, if: 9.661)zhifa han#, rui tian#, peng ren, wenyang zhou, pingping wang, meng luo, shuilin jin*, qinghua jiang*. parkinson’s disease and alzheimer’s disease: a mendelian randomization study. 2021. bmc genomics. (accepted) (sci if: 3.78) zhifa han#, tao wang#, rui tian, wenyang zhou, pingping wang, peng ren, jian zong, yang hu, shuilin jin*, qinghua jiang*. bin1 rs744373 variant is significantly associated with alzheimer’s disease in caucasian but not east asian populations. 2021. bmcmedical informatics. (accepted) (sci if: 2.21)liang cheng#, yang hu#, jie sun, meng zhou*, and qinghua jiang*. dincrna: a comprehensive web-based bioinformatics toolkit for exploring disease associations and ncrna function. bioinformatics. 2021 jun 1;34(11):1953-1956. (sci if: 5.481) guiyou liu, yi zhao, shuilin jin, yang hu, tao wang, rui tian, zhifa han, dandan xu, qinghua jiang*. circulating vitamin e levels and alzheimer’s disease: a mendelian randomization study. neurobiol aging. 2021 aug 10. pii: s0197-4580(18)30291-4. (sci, if: 4.95)guiyou liu, yan zhang, longcai wang, jianyong xu, xiaoyun chen, yunjuan bao, yang hu, shuilin jin, rui tian, weiyang bai, wenyang zhou, tao wang, zhifa han, jian zong, qinghua jiang*. alzheimer’s disease rs** variant regulates epha1 gene expression specifically in human whole blood. journal of alzheimer’s disease. 2021, 61(3):1077-1088. (sci, if=3.731)guiyou liu*,tao wang, rui tian, yang hu, zhifa han, pingping wang, wenyang zhou, peng ren, jian zong, shuilin jin*, qinghua jiang*. alzheimer’s disease risk variant rs** regulates gab2 and nars2 expression in human brain tissues. journal of molecular neuroscience. 2021 sep;66(1):37-43. (sci, if: 2.37)2021yang hu, shuilin jin, liang cheng, guiyou liu*, qinghua jiang*.autoimmune disease variants regulate gsdmb gene expression in human immune cells and whole blood. pnas. 2021 sep 19;114(38):e7860.(sci if: 9.661)guiyou liu#, yang hu#, shuilin jin, qinghua jiang*. genetic variant rs763361 regulates multiple sclerosis cd226 gene expression. pnas. 2021 feb 7;114(6):e906 (sci if: 9.661)qinghua jiang#, shuilin jin#, yongshuai jiang, mingzhi liao, rennan feng,liangcai zhang, guiyou liu*, junwei hao*. alzheimer’s disease variants with the genome-wide significance are significantly enriched in immune pathways and active in immune cells. molecular neurobiology.2021, 54(1):594-600. (sci, if: 6.19)guiyou liu#, yining xu#, yongshuai jiang, mingzhi liao, rennan feng, qinghua jiang*. picalm rs** variant confers susceptibility to alzheimer’s disease in chinese population. molecular neurobiology.2021 jul;54(5):3131-3136. (sci, if: 6.19)guiyou liu, fang zhang, yang hu, yongshuai jiang, zhongying gong, shoufeng liu, xiuju chen, qinghua jiang*, junwei hao*. genetic variants and multiple sclerosis risk gene slc9a9 expression in distinct human brain regions. molecular neurobiology. 2021, 54(9):6820–6826 (sci, if: 6.19)guiyouliu#, fangzhang#, yongshuai jiang, yang hu, zhongying gong, shoufeng liu, xiuju chen, qinghua jiang*, junwei hao*. integrating genome-wide association studies and gene expression data highlights dysregulated multiple sclerosis risk pathways. multiple sclerosis. 2021 feb;23(2):205-212. (sci if: 4.671)yang hu#, meng zhou#, hongbo shi, hong ju, qinghua jiang*, liang cheng*. measuring disease similarity and predicting disease-related ncrnas by a novel method. bmc medical genomics. 2021,dec 28,10(suppl 5):71. (sci if: 2.848)guiyou liu#, fang zhang#, yang hu, yongshuai jiang, zhongying gong, shoufeng liu, xiuju chen, qinghua jiang*, junwei hao*. multiple sclerosis risk pathways differ in caucasian and chinese populations. journal ofneuroimmunology. 2021 jun 15;307:63-68. (sci if: 2.72)yang hu#, likun zheng#, liang cheng, ying zhang, weiyang bai, wenyang zhou, tao wang, zhifa han, jian zong, shuilin jin, jun zhang*, guiyou liu*, qinghua jiang*. gab2 rs** variant contributes to alzheimer’s disease risk specifically in european population. journal of neurological sciences. 2021 apr 15;375:18-22. (sci if: 2.126)renjie tan, jixuan wang, xiaoliang wu, liran juan, likun zheng, rui ma, qing zhan, tao wang, shuilin jin, qinghua jiang*, yadong wang*. erds-exome: a hybrid approach for copy number variant detection from whole-exome sequencing data. ieee/acm transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics. 2021 oct 4. doi: 10.1109/tcbb.2021.**.(sci if: 1.955)zhuo wang#, shuilin jin#, guiyou liu, xiurui zhang, nan wang, deliang wu, yang hu, chiping zhang*, qinghua jiang*, li xu* and yadong wang*. dtwscore: differential expression and cell clustering analysis for time-series single-cell rna-seq data. bmc bioinformatics. 2021 may 23;18(1):270. (sci if: 2.448)xinwen wang, yiwen cheng, yifu zhu, huayi li, wenjie ge, xiaoliang wu, kunming zhao, jingyang yuan, zhenglin li, shijian jiang, zhengbin han, qinghua jiang, qiong wu, tao liu, cheng zhang*, miao yu*, ying hu*. epigenetic silencing of aspp1 confers 5-fu resistance in clear cell renal cell carcinoma by preventing p53 activation. international journal of cancer. 2021 oct 1;141(7):1422-1433. (sci if: 6.513)2016guiyou liu, yang hu, shuilin jin , fang zhang , qinghua jiang*, junwei hao*. cis-eqtls regulate reduced lst1 and ncr3 expression and contribute to increased autoimmune disease risk. pnas. 2016 oct 18;113(42):e6321.(sci if: 9.423)guiyou liu, qinghua jiang*. alzheimer’s disease cd33 rs** variant does not contribute to cognitive performance. pnas. 2016,113(12):e1589. (sci if: 9.423)qinghua jiang, guiyou liu. rest rs** variant does not influence human subcortical brain structures. annals of neurology. 2016 feb;79(2):334-5. (sci if: 9.638)qinghua jiang, guiyou liu. lack of association between mc1r variants and parkinson’s disease in european descent. 2016. annals of neurology. doi: 10.1002/ana.24627 (sci if: 9.638)tianjiao zhang#, yang hu#, xiaoliang wu, rui ma, qinghua jiang*, yadong wang*.identifying liver cancer-related enhancer snps by integrating gwas and histone modification chip-seq data. biomed research international. 2016; 2016:**. doi: 10.1155/2016/**. epub 2016 jun 27. (sci if: 2.134)weiyang bai, wen yang, wenjing wang, yang wang, can liu, qinghua jiang, jinlian hua, mingzhi liao*. ged: a manually curated comprehensive resource for epigenetic modification of gametogenesis. briefings in bioinformatics. 2016 feb 5. pii: bbw007. (sci, if: 9.617)guoqiang wan, wenyang zhou, yang hu, rui ma, shuilin jin, guiyou liu, qinghua jiang*. transcriptional regulation of lncrna genes by histone modification in alzheimer’s disease. biomed research international. 2016;2016:**. (sci if: 2.134)shuilin jin*, zhuo wang, junyu lin, jia wang, xiurui zhang, renjie tan, chuanbin zhang, zhe wang, wanqian guo, yang hu, li xu, lejun zhang, guiyou liu, qinghua jiang*, the complexity of promoter regions based on a vector topological entropy. current bioinformatics, 2016, 11: 1-4. (sci, if: 0.54)2015jiang qh, wang jx, wu xl, ma r, jin sl, han zj, tan rj, peng jj, liu gy, li y, wang yd*. lncrna2target: a database for differentially expressed genes after lncrna knockdown or overexpression. 2015. nucleic acids research. 2015 jan;43(database issue):d193-6. (sci, if: 9.112)jiang qh, ma r, wang jx, wu xl, jin sl, peng jj, tan rj, zhang tj, li y, wang yd*. lncrna2function: a comprehensive resource for functional investigation of human lncrnas based on rna-seq data. 2015. bmc genomics. 16(s3):s2. (sci, if: 3.986)han zj, jiang qh*, zhang tj, wu xl, ma r, wang jx, bai y, wang rj, tan rj, wang yd*. analyzing large-scale samples confirms the association between the rs** polymorphism and lung cancer susceptibility. 2015. scientific reports. (accepted) (sci, if: 5.578)zhang sy, li x, ma g, jiang ys, liao mz, feng rn, zhang lc, liu jf, wang gy, zhao b, jiang qh*, li ks*, liu gy*. clu rs** polymorphism contributes to alzheimer’s disease susceptibility in caucasian but not east asian populations. 2015. molecular neurobiology, 53(3), 1446-1451.(sci, if: 5.137) li yn, song dj, jiang ys, wang j, feng r, zhang lc, wang gy, chen zg, wang rz*, jiang qh*, liu gy*. cr1 rs** polymorphism contributes to alzheimer’s disease susceptibility in chinese population.molecular neurobiology.2015 july 21. [epub ahead of print].(sci, if: 5.137)li ks, jiang qh, xu ad, liu gy. rest rs** variant does not confer susceptibility to alzheimer’s disease. annals of neurology. 2015 aug 18. doi: 10.1002/ana.24503. [epub ahead of print] (sci if: 9.638)guiyou liu, yongquan liu, qinghua jiang, yongshuai jiang, rennan feng, liangcai zhang, zugen chen, keshen li , jiafeng liu. convergent genetic and expression datasets highlight trem2 in parkinson’s disease susceptibility. molecular neurobiology. 2015. doi 10.1007/s12035-015-9416-7. (sci, if: 5.137)bai y, ji sf, jiang qh, wang yd. identification exon skipping events from high-throughput rna sequencing data. ieee transactions on nanobioscience. 2015 jul;14(5):562-9(sci if: 2.309)xinjie bao, gengfeng chen, yongshuai jiang, qinghua jiang, mingzhi liao, rennan feng, liangcai zhang, guoda ma, shuyan zhang, zugen chen, bin zhao, renzhi wang*, keshen li*, guiyou liu*. cell adhesion molecules pathways genes are regulated by cis-regulatory snps and show significantly altered expression in alzheimer’s disease brains. neurobiol aging. 2015 jun 12 (sci, if: 5.013)xiao zhu, henry c.m. leung, rongjie wang, francis y.l. chin, siu ming yiu, guangri quan, yajie li, rui zhang, qinghua jiang, bo liu, yucui dong, guohui zhou, yadong wang. misfinder: identify mis-assemblies in an unbiased manner using reference and paired-end reads. bmc bioinformatics. 2015 (accepted) (sci if: 2.44) peng jj, li hx, liu yz, juan lr, jiang qh, wang yd*. intego2: a web tool for measuring and visualizing gene semantic similarities using gene ontology. bmc bioinformatics. 2015 (accepted) (sci, if: 2.576)zhu x, leung hc, wang r, chin fy, yiu sm, quan g, li y, zhang r, jiang q, liu b, dong y, zhou g, wang y. misfinder: identify mis-assemblies in an unbiased manner using reference and paired-end reads. bmc bioinformatics. 2015 nov 16;16(1):386 (sci, if: 2.576)2014jiang qh, wang jx, wang yd, ma r, wu xl, li y. tf2lncrna: identifying common transcription factors for a list of lncrna genes from chip-seq data. biomed research international. vol. 2014, article id 317642, 5 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/317642(sci, if: 2.706)quan bk, qi xs, yu zh, jiang ys, liao mz, wang gy, feng rn, zhang lc, chen zg, jiang qh*, liu gy*. pathway analysis of genome-wide association study and transcriptome data highlights new biological pathways in colorectal cancer. 2014. molecular genetics and genomics. doi 10.1007/s00438-014-0945-y.(sci,if: 2.831)liu gy, bao xj, jiang y,s liao mz, jiang qh, feng rn, zhang lc, ma gd, chen zg, wang gy, wang rz, zhao b, li ks.identifying the association between alzheimer@#%s disease and parkinson@#%s disease using genome-wide association studies and protein-protein interaction network. 2014. molecular neurobiology. doi 10.1007/s12035-014-8946-8 (sci, if=5.286)li x, shen n, zhang sy, liu jf, jiang qh, liao mz, feng rn, zhang lc, wang gy, ma gd, zhou hh, chen zg, jiang ys*, zhao b*, li ks*, liu gy*(2014) cd33 rs** polymorphism contributes to alzheimer’s disease susceptibility in european and north american but not asian populations. molecular neurobiology. doi 10.1007/s12035-014-8880-9 (sci, if=5.286)xiang zm, xu ml, liao mz, jiang ys, jiang qh, feng rn, zhang lc, ma gd, wang gy, chen zg, zhao b, sun ts*, li ks*, liu gy* (2014) integrating genome-wide association study and brain expression data highlights cell adhesion molecules and purine metabolism in alzheimer’s disease. molecular neurobiology. doi 10.1007/s12035-014-8884-5(sci, if=5.286)peng jj, li hx, jiang qh, wang yd, chen j. an integrative approach for measuring semantic similarities using gene ontology. bmc systems biology.2014, 8 (suppl 5): s8(sci, if: 2.853) tan rj, wang yd, kleinstein s, liu yz, zhu xl, jiang qh, zhu mf. an evaluation of copy number variation detection tools from whole-exome sequencing data. human mutation. 2014 mar 5. doi: 10.1002/humu.22537. 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学院:白维扬,2015级硕,作业去向:西湖大学 攻博生命学院:王 涛,2016级硕,作业去向:瑞典uppsala大学 攻博生命学院:宗 剑,2016级硕,作业去向:哈工大理学院辅导员生命学院,李书仪,2013级本,作业去向:瑞典留学招生信息2021年招生: 博士生2名,硕士生2-3名,等待核算机、数学、物理、生物、生物信息学等有关专业的同学报考假定你方案在哈尔滨工业大学生命科学与技能学院攻读硕士、博士学位,喜爱阅览世界顶级期刊最新的学术论文、以科学研讨为快乐喜爱,而且思考与我一同从事生物信息学的研讨作业,那么请与我联络(qhjiang@hit.edu.cn,电话**)。假定你没有编程及信息技能基础,我将与你用大约半年的时刻一同学习根柢的编程言语(r、python等)、掌控根柢的计算及数据发掘办法、发现前沿的生物学研讨疑问,然后用所学的编程技能及信息学办法处置该疑问。我鼓舞我的研讨生以科研作为终身的作业,撑持我的学生在结业后持续攻读博士学位(出国攻博、公派至美国一流大学进行二年的博士生联合培育)。教学课程生物信息学(授课目标:生命学院三大学本科生)生物数据分析(授课目标:生命学院硕士一大学)首要介绍生物信息学根柢概念及特征、常用生物数据库、基因组阅读器、linux体系常用指令、r言语编程、基因芯片原理及数据分析、新一代dna测序技能原理及其数据分析、单细胞组学分析等内容。经过本课程的教学,旨在使学生晓得生命科学学术前沿技能及研讨疑问、培育学生运用所学的数据分析技能处置生命科学中前沿疑问的才能,为往后从事生命科学研讨奠定基础。


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