
the same curiosity to find what lies beyond the horizon that first brought early polynesians to hawaii’s shores inspires astronomers today to explore the heavens.
骨干:the same curiosity inspires astronomers today to explore the heavens.
后置定语:to find what lies beyond the horizon 润饰 curiosity
定语从句:that first brought early polynesians to hawaii’s shores
这句话的难点在于 curiosity后边有两个定语一个是后置定语,一个是定语从句。这给同学们的了解构成了很大的困


这句话有2个意义:第一个是to find what lies beyond the horizon 的 curiosity that first brought early polynesians to hawaii’s shores
探究what lies beyond the horizon的求知欲(猎奇心)最早把前期的波利尼西亚人带到夏威夷海岸。

第二个是the same curiosity inspires astronomers today to explore the heavens.也正是这种求知欲(猎奇心)鼓励着当今的地舆学家探究天空。



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