

  i. phrase translation
  cbd:中心商务区(central business district);交货前付款(cash before delivery)
  api:空气污插手数(air pollution index);使用程序编程接口(application programming interface)
  nasa:美国宇航局;美国太空总署(national aeronautics and space administration)
  cio:首席信息官(chief information officer)
  ethnic affairs committee:民族委员会
  ministry of land and resources:(中我国公民共和国)国土本钱部
  source document:源文档;初始文件
  retained earning: 留存收益;留存盈利;留存获利
  dabber: 轻拍的人; 敷墨具
  public reserve funds: 公积金
  global position system: 全球定位体系
  treasury bonds: 国库债券
  oracle bone inscriptions: 甲骨文
  yasukuni shrine:
  财务报表: financial statements; financial sheet; financial reporting
  初始设备制造商: original equipment manufacturer; oem
  红学: redology
  安居工程: affordable housing project; housing project for low-income families
  禅宗: zen buddhism
  小品: witty skits; sketch
  侨务单位: office of overseas chinese affairs
  主任修改: associate senior editor
  老三届: unior and senior high school graduates of 1966~1968; school leavers of 1966~1968
  电视台台长: tv manager; tv station chief; tv station controller; tv director
  老字号: a time-honored brand; an old and famous shop or enterprise
  利改税: replacement of profit delivery by taxes; substitution of tax payment for profit delivery; tax for profits
  南水北调: south water to north; south-to-north water diversion (project); south-north water transfer
  强权交际: power diplomacy
  全部小康社会: the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects; a well-off society in an all-round way
  ii. passage translation
  section a english to chinese
  would that i could enrich this sketch with the names of all those who have ministered to my happiness! some of them would be found written in our literature and dear to the hearts of many, while others would be wholly unknown to most of my readers. but their influence, though it escapes fame, shall live immortal in the lives that have been sweetened and ennobled by it. those are red-letter days in our lives when we meet people who thrill us like a fine poem, people whose handshake is brimful of unspoken sympathy, and whose sweet, rich natures impart to our eager, impatient spirits a wonderful restfulness which, in its essence, is divine. the perplexities, irritations and worries that have absorbed us pass like unpleasant dreams, and we wake to see with new eyes and hear with new ears the beauty and harmony of gods real world. the solemn nothings that fill our everyday life blossom suddenly into bright possibilities. in a word, while such friends are near us we feel that all is well. perhaps we never sawthem before, and they may never cross our lifes path again; but the influence of their calm, mellow natures is a libation poured upon our discontent, and we feel its healing touch, as the ocean feels the mountain stream freshening its brine.
  i have often been asked, do not people bore you? i do not understand quite what that means. i suppose the calls of the stupid and curious, especially of newspaper reporters, are always inopportune. i also dislike people who try to talk down to my understanding. they are like people who when walking with you try to shorten their steps to suit yours; the hypocrisy in both cases is equally exasperating.
  the hands of those i meet are dumbly eloquent to me. the touch of some hands is an impertinence. i have met people so empty of joy, that when i clasped their frosty finger tips, it seemed as if i were shaking hands with a northeast storm. others there are whose hands have sunbeams in them, so that their grasp warms my heart. it may be only the clinging touch of a childs hand; but there is as much potential sunshine in it for me as there is in a loving glance for others. a hearty handshake or a friendly letter gives me genuine pleasure.
  i have many far-off friends whom i have never seen. indeed they are so many that i have often been unable to reply to their letters; but i wish to say here that i am always grateful for their kind words, however insufficiently i acknowledge them.(这篇文章选自海伦凯勒自传《我的日子》mtizt.com注)
  section b chinese to english
  参阅译文:even those who know little about china have heard of its policy limiting most couples to one child. the 1980 law in the worlds most populous country was originally intended to tame fears that a surging population would suck up resources and hurt growth. birthrates plunged to 1.64 children per woman in 2011 from 4.77 in the 1970s, but the policy has led to countless troublesome consequences over the years, including forced sterilizations and abortions and a shortage of women in a country that overwhelmingly prefers boys over girls.
  a few days ago, leaders pledged to relax the one-child policy, allowing couples to have two children if one parent is an only child. currently, couples are restricted to one child unless

both parents are only children and rural families are allowed to do so if their first child is a girl. the policy change comes as china seeks to address a looming shortage of workers in the face of a rapidly aging population. such demographic changes could also ripple across an unexpected part of chinas economy its booming housing market.
  property prices have spiked dramatically, making it unaffordable for many chinese to buy. and studies have found that the rapid rise of chinas home prices is linked to its widening gender imbalance. because there are many more men than women (a ratio of 1.15 men of marriage age of 15 to 30 years old for every woman), chinas dating scene has become ultra-competitive.



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