
bibliotherapy 图书疗法,阅读疗法(以读书治疗神经错乱的方法)
bank holiday: 公共假期
red box: (英国大臣用的)公文匣
silver jubilee 25周年(银禧年)
ruby jubilee 40周年(红宝石禧年)
golden jubilee 50周年(金禧年)
diamond jubilee 60周年 (钻石禧年)
sapphire jubilee 65周年 (蓝宝石禧年)
platinum jubilee 70周年 (白金禧年)
the chinese new year中国新年,春节
the prince of wales威尔士亲王(查尔斯)
the duchess of cornwall康沃尔公爵夫人
queen camilla卡米拉王后
queen consort 王后
british monarch英国君主
king george vi乔治六世国王
buckingham palace白金汉宫
the sandringham estate桑德灵厄姆庄园
windfall tax暴利税
easy money不义之财
reader’s digest读者文摘
valentines day情人节

能源绿色低碳转型 a green-oriented transition of energy
非化石能源nonfossil energy
构建清洁低碳、安全高效的能源体系build a clean, low-carbon, safe, and highly-efficient energy system
“双碳”目标carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals
网络拜年:online new year greetings
快递包裹:express packages
奥运会吉祥物olympic mascots
奥运会会歌、《奥林匹克圣歌》olympic hymn/anthem
主办城市host city
冰墩墩 bing dwen dwen
雪容融 shuey rhon rhon
短道速滑short track speed skating
单板滑雪坡面障碍技巧snowboard slopestyle
大跳台big air
刷存在感assert oneself
生态农场ecological farms
三农”问题issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers
乡村振兴rural revitalization
农业农村现代化modernization of agriculture and rural areas
普惠金融inclusive finance
金融标准化 financial standardization
系统性金融风险systemic financial risks
次生金融风险secondary financial risks
绿色金融green finance
数字货币digital currency
薪酬帽(薪酬上限)salary cap
逃税 tax evasion
收入分配秩序 income distribution system
演员天价片酬 sky-high remuneration of actors and actresses
相对论:the theory of relativity; relativity; relativity theory
自卑情结:inferiority complex
俄狄浦斯情结:oedipus complex
公筷serving chopsticks
公勺serving spoon
托盘serving tray
城镇环境基础设施建设construction of urban and rural environmental infrastructure
固体废物处置solid waste treatment
生活垃圾分类household garbage sorting
农村人居环境整治提升rural living environment upgrade
文物cultural relics
世界遗产中心world heritage center
中轴线central axis
倒班shift work?
“双一流”建设高校及学科 universities and disciplines included in the
高等教育higher education
高质量教育体系high-quality education system
中国特色世界一流大学world-class universities with chinese characteristics
中轴线申遗 central axis application to world heritage list
非物质文化遗产intangible cultural heritage
文化和自然遗产cultural and natural heritage
文物保护cultural relic protection
居民可支配收入 disposable income of residents
采购经理指数 purchasing managers index (pmi)
南水北调the south-to-north water diversion project?
西电东送the west-east power transmission program
国家发展改革委the national development and reform commission?
京津冀the beijing-tianjin-hebei region?
长三角the yangtze river delta?
粤港澳大湾区the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area?
成渝经济圈the chengdu-chongqing econom

ic circle
六税两费 six local taxes and two fees
服务业特殊困难行业services sectors in special difficulty
中小微企业micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (msmes)
缓税政策tax deferral policies
大数据产业 big-data industry
国家算力枢纽节点 national integrated big-data center system
国家大数据战略the national big data strategy
人工智能 artificial intelligence
全国土壤普查 national soil census
粮食安全food security
耕地保护制度farmland protection system
农业农村现代化modernization of agriculture and rural areas


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