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on (date, month and year), seven days after hearing of his death, uncle yu, with sorrow and sincerity, has been able to ask chien-chung to arrange a sacrificial feast, with delicacies of the season, for the spirit of nephew no. 12 and to send him the following message:

alas, i was bereaved of my parents when i was young! when i grew up, i had to rely on my brother and sister-in-law for their support. my brother died in the south when he was middle-aged. at that time you and i were both very young, and we followed my sister-in-law to bury my brother at hoyang. then you and i earned our living south of the yangtze. as we were both orphaned and alone, we were in each other’s company daily and never separated.

before me there were three brothers, who all unfortunately had died early. you and i were the only ones in our generations to succeed our ancestors, and each of us was the sole male descendant in his generation. on one occasion my sister-in-law, with you in her arms, pointed at us and said, “these are the only ones left in two generations of the han family!” as you were even younger, most probably you cannot recall. though i can recall it, i did not realize how sad the remark was.

i did not come to the capital until i was nineteen. four years later, i went home to see you. four years after that, i went to hoyang to visit our ancestral tombs and met you on your way to bury my sister-in-law. another two years, and i went to pienchow to assist prime minister tung. it was then that you came to see me. only one year elapsed before you asked leave to fetch your family. the prime minister died in the following year, and i left piechow before you could join me there. that year i was an assistant at the military headquarters in hsuchow. no sooner had i sent for you than i was relieved of my post. again you were not able to come.

i thought that, when you were in the east, you were a mere visitor and could not stay there long. as a permanent plan, there was nothing like returning to t

he west. i was thus prepared to make my home there and send for you. alas, who could have foreseen that you would leave me and die unexpectedly? as we were both young men, i thought that despite our temporary separation we would ultimately live together for yet a long time. that is why i left you and lived in the capital to earn a tou or hu of official rice. had i known what would happen, i would not have accepted the position of a duke or prime minister that comes with ten thousand carriages and missed you for a single day!

last year, when meng tung-yeh visited you, i took the occasion to write to you in these words: “i am not quite forty, but my sight is getting dim, my hair gray and my teeth shaky. as i recall, my father, uncles and brothers were all hale and healthy but died early. can someone as infirm as i live long?” at that time i could not leave nor did you consent to come. i was afraid that i might die one day and cause you unbounded grief. who could expect that the young would die and the elderly live, that the strong would die and the sickly be spared?

alas, is it true? or is it all a dream? is the information passed on not the truth? if it is true, can a man of as great virtue as my brother be deprived of his heir at such an early age? can someone as bright and pure as you not receive his blessing? can the young and strong die and the elderly and infirm be spared?

if it could not be believed, if it were a dream and if the information passed on was not the truth, why are the letter of tung-yeh and the report of keng lan at my side? alas, it is true! a man of as great virtue as my brother did lose his son at an early age! someone as bright and pure as you, who should succeed to the family tradition, could not receive his blessing! what is called heaven is hard to predict and the gods are hard to understand! what is called reason cannot be gauged and our life span cannot be known!

since the start of this year, what was gray has partly become white, and what were shaky have partly fallen out, my hair and blood have steadily weakened and my ambition has daily dwindled. it should not be long before i follow you to the grave! if there is consciousness after death, how can we be separated for any length of time? if there is no consciousness then, my feeling of sadness will not endure, and then for an unlimited time i shall have no sadness at all.

your son is only ten years old, and mine just five. since the young and strong cannot be spared, can these children be expected to grow up? alas, how sad, how sad!

a letter you sent last year said that you had contracted beriberi, which worsened frequently. in reply i said that people south of the yangtze often have this disease, and so i did not worry very much about it. alas, was it just this that killed you, or was it something else that proved fatal?

your letter was dated the seventeenth of the sixth month. on the other hand, tung-yeh said that you had died on the second of that month, and the report of keng lan was undated. tung-yeh’s messenger had not inquired of our folks about the exact date, while keng lan did not know that the report should bear a date. the letter tung-yeh sent me gave the date he had heard from the messenger, who had answered his query haphazardly. is this true or is it not?

now i am asking chien-chung to offer my sacrifices to you and send my condolences to your bereaved children and your nurse. if they have sufficient food and can afford to wait till the end of the period of mourning, they can be fetched here at that time. on the other hand, if they cannot wait, they may come immediately. as to other male and female servants, i shall see that they remain in mourning for you. when i am able to move your grave, i shall arrange for your reburial in our ancestral cemetery, and only then can i consider my wishes fulfilled.

alas, when you were sick, i did not know the exact time; and when you died, i did not know the exact date! when you were alive, i could not live with you, so that we could have taken care of each other; and when you died, i could not express my grief in full at your side. when you were dressed for the coffin, i could not witness it; and when you were buried, i was absent from your grave. my acts were unworthy in the gods’ eyes and caused you to die young. i am both unfilial to my parents and unkind to the younger generation, so that we could not live together and take care of each other till our death. now, while one is on the border of heaven, the other is at the corner of the death. when you lived, your shadow was seldom beside me, and after your death your soul is not in contact with my dreams. since i have caused all this, whom can i blame? oh, heaven above, is there any end to my grief?

from now on i shall lose all my interest in this world, and i shall seek a few ch’ing of farm land on the i land ying for my remaining years. i shall teach your son and mine till they grow up, and i shall take care of your daughter and mine till they are married.

alas, words are exhaustible but sometimes never end! do you know or do you not know? alas, how sad! may you partake of this feast!回来搜狐,查看更多



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