few dishes taste better than a juicy cut of beef. one survey in 2014 found that steak was americans’ favorite food. unfortunately, by cooking so many cows, humans are cooking themselves, too.
the influence of food on greenhouse-gas(ghg)emissions(排放)can slip under the radar. in a survey in britain last year, the share of answerers saying that “producing plants and meat on farms” was a “significant contributor” to climate change was the lowest among ten listed activities. yet two papers published this year in nature food find that food, especially beef, creates more ghgs than previously thought.
this march researchers from the european commission and the un’s food and agriculture office released a study estimating that the global food system was responsible for 34% of ghg in 2015. 本年3月,来自欧盟委员会和联合国粮食和农业单位的研讨人员发布了一项研讨,估量2015年全球粮食体系对34%的温室气体负有责任。the paper assigns the full impact of deforestation to the agriculture that results from it;includes emissions after food is sold(such as from waste and cooking);and counts non-food crops like cotton. but even when the authors took away emissions from sources like transport and packaging, they still found that agriculture generated 24% of ghgs.该论文将森林采伐的悉数影响分配给由此发生的农业;包括食物出售后的排放(如废物和烹饪);并核算了棉花等非粮食作物。可是,即便作者打扫了运送和包装等来历的排放,他们仍然发现农业发生了24%的温室气体。
another recent paper, by xiaoming xu of the university of illinois and eight co-authors, allocates(分配)this impact among 171 crops and 16 animal products. it finds that animal-based foods account for 57% of agricultural ghgs, versus 29% for food from plants. beef and cow’s milk alone made up 34%. combined with the earlier study’s results, this implies that cattle produce 12% of ghg emissions.
relative to other food sources, beef is uniquely carbon-intensive. because cattle emit methane(甲烷)and need large grasslands that are often created by cutting more forests, they produce seven times as many ghgs per calorie of meat as pigs do. this makes beef a bigger share among foods than coal is among sources of electricity.
the simplest way to cut beef output is for people to eat other animals instead, or become vegetarians. but convincing people to give up their burgers is a tall order.
fortunately, lab-grown meats are moving from petri dishes(培育皿)to high-end restaurants. doing without beef from live cattle is hard to imagine, but the same was true of coal 100 years ago. lab-grown meat could play an essential role in slowing a climate disaster.
28.the underlined phrase in paragraph 2 can probably be replaced by____________.
a.be detected by radar
b.be ignored by people
c.be explained by experts
d.be controlled by government
29.what can we learn from the passage?
a.lab-grown meats will replace other meats in the future.
b.quitting steak may be an efficient way to reduce ghg.
c.producing beef generates more ghg than burning coal.
d.beef transport is the major contributor of ghg emissions.
30.the author mentions the coal in the last paragraph just to show____________.
a.the importance of both lab-grown beef and coal
b.the difficulty to produce the lab-grown meat
c.the necessity of beef from live cattle
d.the future of lab-grown beef

28.词句猜测题。根据第二段“in a survey in britain last year, the share of answerers saying that “producing plants and meat on farms” was a “significant contributor” to climate change was the lowest among ten listed activities.”(上一年在英国进行的一项查询中,答复者认为”农场出产植物和肉类”是构成气候改变的”重要要素”的人数比例,在所列的10项活动中排名最低。)可知,食物对温室气体(ghg)排放的影响可以不我们无视。所以划线词的意思是“被我们无视”。故选b项。
29.推理判别题。根据倒数第三段“relative to other food so

urces, beef is uniquely carbon-intensive. because cattle emit methane(甲烷)and need large grasslands that are often created by cutting more forests, they produce seven times as many ghgs per calorie of meat as pigs do. this makes beef a bigger share among foods than coal is among sources of electricity.”(相关于其他食物来历,牛肉是仅有的碳密布型食物。因为牛会排放甲烷,而且需要大草原,而大草原一般是采伐更多的森林构成的,所以每耗费一卡路里的肉,牛发生的温室气体是猪的七倍。这使得牛肉在食物中的比例比煤炭在电力来历中的比例还要大。)以及最终一段“lab-grown meat could play an essential role in slowing a climate disaster.”(实验室培育的肉类可以在减缓气候灾害方面发扬重要作用)由此判别出,不吃牛排可所以削减温室气体排放的有用办法。故选b项。
30.推理判别题。根据最终一段“fortunately, lab-grown meats are moving from petri dishes(培育皿)to high-end restaurants. doing without beef from live cattle is hard to imagine, but the same was true of coal 100 years ago.”(走运的是,实验室培育的肉类,正从培育皿转移到高档餐厅。很难愿望没有活牛的牛肉,但100年前的煤炭也是如此。)可知,作者在最终一段说到了煤炭,只是为了展示实验室培育牛肉的将来。故选d项。
the word “robot” was coined in 1920 by the czech playwright karel capek meaning fully functional servants. for most of their history, robots have been inelegant mechanical devices sitting out of sight in factories. things are starting to change, however. robots are leaving carefully managed industrial settings for everyday life and, in the coming years, will increasingly work in supermarkets, clinics, social care and much more.1920年,捷克剧作家卡雷尔·恰佩克创造了“机器人”一词,意为“功用完全的家丁”。在机器人前史上的大有些时刻里,它们都是坐在工厂里看不见的笨拙机械设备。可是,情况初步发生改变。机器人正在脱离精心打点的工业环境,进入往常日子,在将来几年,机器人将越来越多地在超市、诊所、社会维护等领域作业。
they could not be coming at a better time. many industries are facing a shortage of labor—the demand for workers has recovered much faster than expected and some people have left the workforce, particularly in america. warehousing(库房)has grown rapidly thanks to the e-commerce boom. robots are picking items off shelves and helping people pack a rising numbers of boxes. they are even beginning to move slowly along some pavements, delivering goods or food right to people’s doors. nowadays, short of workers but with lots of elderly folk to look after, having more robots to boost productivity would be a good thing.
and yet many people fear that robots will destroy jobs. a paper in 2013 by economists at oxford university was widely misinterpreted as meaning that 47% of american jobs were at risk of being automated.
in fact, concerns about mass unemployment are overblown. the evidence suggests robots will be ultimately beneficial for labor markets. japan and south korea have the highest robot usage rate but very strong workforces. a yale university study that looked at japanese manufacturing between 1978 and 2021 found that an increase of one robot unit per 1,000 workers boosted a company’s employment by 2.2%. research from the bank of korea found that robotization moved jobs away from manufacturing into other sectors, but that there was no decrease in overall vacancies.
for all that, the march of the robots will bring big changes to workplaces, too. one supposed example of “bad automation” is self-service checkouts in supermarkets, because they displace human workers. but robots could perform unpleasant work. checkout staff who retrain to help customers pick items from aisles(传送带)may find that dealing with people in need is more rewarding than spending all day swiping barcodes in front of lasers. in addition, as jobs change, workers should be helped to acquire new skills, including how to work with and manage the robots that will increasingly be their colleagues.
the potential gains from the robot revolution are huge. in capek’s play, the robots revolt(抵挡)against their human masters and cause mass unemployment and worse. however, the beginnings of the world’s real robots have not matched capek’s assumption. so there is no need to concern about their future.
31.the author mentions the two researches in paragraph 4 to____________.
a.prove an argument
b.introduce an approach
c.present an assumption
d.highlight an experiment
32.what can we infer from the passage?
a.new skills will be acquired by workers with the help of robots.
b.the more robots are used, the greater employment it can bring.
c.robots will betray their human masters and cause worse problems.
d.checkout staff in supermarkets may be happier to do with people in need.
33.towards wide spread of robots, the author is____________
a.approved b.neutral
c.opposed d.doubtful
34.what’s the best title of the passage?
a.future risk: jobs being automated
b.robot revolution: causes of changes
c.workplace automation: rise of robots
d.robotization: solution to unemployment

31.推理判别题。根据第四段“in fact, concerns about mass unemployment are overblown. the evidence suggests robots will be ultimately beneficial for labor markets. japan and south korea have the highest robot usage rate but very strong workforces.(实际上,对大规划赋闲的担忧被夸大了。有根据标明,机器人究竟将有利于劳作力商场。日本和韩国的机器人运用率最高,但劳作力非常健壮。)”可知,作者在第四段段首首要提出自个的观念,然后紧接着用耶鲁大学和韩国银行研讨人员供给的数据撑持了这一观念。故选a。
32.推理判别题。根据倒数第二段“one supposed example of “bad automation” is self-service checkouts in supermarkets, because they displace human workers. but robots could perform unpleasant work. checkout staff who retrain to help customers pick items from aisles(传送带)may find that dealing with people in need is more rewarding than spending all day swiping barcodes in front of lasers.(超市的自助结账是一个糟糕的主动化的比方,因为它们替代了人力。可是机器人可以会做出做令人不快的体现。收银员人员经过再培训,协助客户从传送带拿取产品,他们发现协助需要协助的人比只是单纯的在扫描仪扫码结账更能感遭到自个的尽力有所酬谢)”可知,收银人员更情愿与人打交道,更情愿协助人。故选d。
33.推理判别题。根据第二段第一句“they could not be coming at a better time.(他们来得正是时分。)”,第四段“in fact, concerns about mass unemployment are overblown.(实际上,对大规划赋闲的担忧被夸大了。)”以及最终一段“the potential gains from the robot revolution are huge.(机器人改造带来的潜在收益是无量的。)”可知,机器人进入日子以来,关于赋闲率的影响被夸大了,实践上给人类带来的收益的是无量的,所以作者对机器人的大规划运用是认可的。故选a。
34.主旨粗心题。根据最终一段“the potential gains from the robot revolution are huge. in capek’s play, the robots revolt(抵挡)against their human masters and cause mass unemployment and worse. however, the beginnings of the world’s real robots have not matched capek’s assumption. so there is no need to concern about their future.(机器人改造带来的潜在收益是无量的。恰佩克的假定中,机器人敌对人类并致使大规划赋闲。可是,世界上真实的机器人的诞生并不契合恰佩克的假定。所以没有必要忧虑他们的将来)”可知,这篇文章论说了人类日子中得到的无量收益及改造来历于机器人改造。故选b。

when we feel exhausted, our brains want to save mental energy by directing our focus to the most readily available, recallable information to help us make decisions quickly. we often do the thing that feels right, or rush to judgment without proper consideration. ___35___ it’s the reason why if you speak spanish, it’s much easier to learn italian than japanese. it’s also why many people think two single dollar bills are more valuable than a single two-dollar bill.
___36___ or, we are willing to move toward things that make us feel good and away from things that make us feel uncomfortable.
yet, we know hard actions can bring benefits -ones that may not be visible for some time. ___37___ maybe we do this because we have an insight or a requirement from doctor. when we go for that initial run, it doesn’t feel good. neither does the run after that. our muscles hurt. the money we’ve spent on the new hobby causes friction in our household. it continues to signal the reasons we should go back to the way it was before.
so, how do we do hard things when our brains are constantly telling us to avoid effort?
___38___ a2016 study found that when people are upset, they’ re less likely to try to do hard things. when they’re feeling upbeat, they’re more likely to take on the hard-but-essential tasks that ultimately make life better.
give our brains the right amount of autonomy. when we have a choice, our brains often want something easy. ___39___
doing things that feel uncomfortable and liking hard work can seem counterintuitive(反直觉的). but by understanding what’s going on in your brain, instead of depending on your first feeling, you can work toward completing hard things and manage your fears better.
a.think about starting a new exercise routine.
b.tackle hard things when we’re in a good mood.
c.accomplish hard things by having the supports of others.
d.the result is that many of us tend to do what simply feels right.
e.the brain does this because it’s much easier to process existing ideas than new ones.
f.but there are still some people keeping with it to the end regardless of these difficulties.
g.but we can reduce that response by challenging ourselves to be innovative and provide motives.


35.空白前句指出“we often do the thing that feels right, or rush to judgment without proper consideration.(咱们一般会做感触正确的事,或是不经过合理的思考就仓促下了断论)”即经历和惯有思维会影响咱们的判别,e选项“大脑会这样做是因为处置已有的主意比处置新主意简略得多”中的does this正是指代前句中的行为,且契合后句所举的学过西班牙语的人再学意大利语要更简略这一比方的理由。故选e项。
36.空白后句以or最初,表达了“we are willing to move toward things that make us feel good and away from things that make us feel uncomfortable.(咱们情愿去做让自个感触杰出的事,而远离那些让自个不适的作业)”,这显着是与上一段辞意顺承的,or应作“或许”了解,即对空白句的另一种说明。d选项“成果就是咱们许多人都倾向于直觉上正确的事”顺承前文给出观念,且与后句表达意义共同。故选d项。
37.空白前句指出“yet, we know hard actions can bring benefits -ones that may not be visible for some time.(不过,咱们晓得困难的行为会带来优点——这些优点可以短时刻看不出来)”,a选项“想想初步一个新的训练往常”契合hard actions,且与下一句说明的“这样做是因为对本身的了解或是来自医生的需求”也是相符的。故选a项。
38.本段与下一段都是关于“how do we do hard things when our brains are constantly telling us to avoid effort?(当大脑不断地告诉咱们不要尽力时如何做好困难的事)”给出的主张。空白作为段首句,后边两句指出“a 2016 study found that when people are upset, they’ re less likely to try to do hard things. when they’re feeling upbeat, they’re more likely to take on the hard-but-essential tasks that ultimately make life better. (2016年的一项研讨发现当我们心境丢失时,不太可以会测验做困难的事。当他们感到活泼向上时,更有可以承担那些困难但重要的使命,究竟会让日子变得非常好)”,言下之意即困难的事务更合适在心境杰出时去结束,这与b选项“当你心境杰出时,去向置困难的事务”表达的意义相符。故选b项。
39.本段与下一段都是关于“how do we do hard things when our brains are constantly telling us to avoid effort?(当大脑不断地告诉咱们不要尽力时如何做好困难的事)”给出的主张。前两句指出“give our brains the right amount of autonomy. when we have a choice, our brains often want something easy.(给咱们的大脑必定的自立权。当咱们要作出选择时,咱们的大脑一般会想要简略些的)”,g选项“但咱们可以经过应战自我削减这种反应,然后变得更有构思、更富动力”与前文构成转机,其间的that response照顾前文大脑的反应,契合关于做好困难的事给出的主张。故选g项。

北京市优良青年教师,北京市级要点大学演示校骨干教师,多年大学一线执教经历,高三大学把关教师,多次参加东城区仿照试题出题作业,教育理念 ,教育作用杰出,多篇教育论文获市区级奖项。多篇文章宣告在《我国教育报》《我国考试》《北京教育》等报刊上。多次参加高考阅卷作业,参加公民教育出书社、北京教育出书社、外研社等各类高考教育用书的编写作业,有丰厚的备考经历,世界中心期刊宣告多篇论文。

1. 时刻与地址;
2. 首要内容和意图;
3. 你的感触。
留心:1. 词数100支配;2. 最初和结束已给出,不计入总词数。
提示词:the 100-day oath of college entrance examination 高考百日誓师
dear jim,
li hua

dear jim,
i am very glad to receive your letter in which you showed your interest in the “the 100-day oath of college entrance examination” held by our school in march. here, i would like to tell you some details about this activity.
the event was held in the school football field on march 12, whose purpose was to stimulate students to prepare for the college entrance examination and relieve senior three students’ tension. the activity included a pledge by all the teachers and students of senior three and related communication activities for senior three students.
in my opinion, the activity was a great success. after the activity, the students studied harder than before.
li hua
【刘凯教师解析】【导语】本篇书面表达归于使用文。需求考生给英国笔友jim回信,给他介绍你校3月份举办的“高考百日誓师”大会的有关情况,内容包括:1. 时刻与地址;2. 首要内容和意图;3. 你的感触。
在或人看来:in one’s opinion→as far as sb. be concerned
原句:in my opinion, the activity was a great success. after the activity, the students studied harder than before.
拓宽句:in my opinion, the activity was a great success, after which the students studied harder than before.
【刘凯教师点睛】【高分句型1】i am very glad to receive your letter in which you showed your interest in the “the 100-day oath of college entrance examination” held by our school in march. (运用了“介词+which”引导的捆绑性定语从句)
【高分句型2】the event was held in the school football field on march 12, whose purpose was to stimulate students to prepare for the college entrance examination and relieve senior three students’ tension. (运用了whose引导的非捆绑性定语从句)


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