line [la?n]
n. 行,列;(思维或行为的)进程;方法,办法;道路;线路;(铁道或公交)线路;作业,行当;队,部队;血缘;家族;鸿沟
v. 排队;加衬,做里子。
形近词:hardline, underline, ?decline, online, offline, coastline, dealine, incline, baseline, outline, lineage, pipeline, guideline
the british royals “have most to fear”?because charles ______ .
[a] takes a tough line on political issues
[b] fails to change his lifestyle as advised
[c] takes republicans as his potential allies
[d] fails to adapt himself to his future role
[a] 在政治疑问上走强硬道路
[b] 未能做到根据主张改动他的日子方法
[c] 将共和党作为他的潜在同盟
[d] 未能让他自个习气他的将来人物
hardline [?hɑ?(r)d?la?n] adj. 强硬的
in wisconsin the unions have rallied thousands of supporters against scott walker the hardline republican governor.
解析:rally前面就呈现过,召集。语句中呈现了同位语——名词做名词的同位语来润饰名词,the hardline republican governor是scott walker的同位语,用来润饰scott walker的。
翻译:在威斯康辛州,工会召集了上千的撑持者来对立强硬的共和党州长scott walker。
underline [??nd?r?la?n] v. 在…下划线;偏重;杰出
the underlined phrase “these people”?in paragraph 4 refers to the ones who ______.
decline [d??kla?n] v./n. 降低;削减;衰退;谢绝;回绝
look up homo saptens?in the “red list”?of threatened species of the international union for the conservation of nature (iucn), and you will read: “listed as least concern as the species is very widely distributed, adaptable, currently increasing, and there are no major threats resulting in an overall population decline”.
解析:look up查找,homo saptens智人。“red list”赤色目录,“threatened species”濒危物种,conservation坚持,维护;
online [?ɑ?n?la?n] adj. 在线的
only if the jobless arrive at the jobcentre with a cv,register for online job search, and start looking for work will they be eligible for benefit —— and then they should report weekly rather than fortnightly.
解析:cv这儿指的是简历,作业经历,curriculum vitae的简写。eligible有资历的,适合的。benefit利益,这儿指救助金。fortnightly可作名词双周刊,也可作描述词两周一次的。语句中的will they be,标明才会。
offline [???f?la?n] adj. 离线的
for offline orders, call this number.
coastline [?ko?stla?n] n. 海岸线
to protect coastline from oil spillage.
deadline [?dedla?n] n. 最终期限;截止时刻?
assign responsibilities?around the house and make sure homework deadlines are met.
incline [?n?kla?n] v. 倾斜;倾向;易于
i incline to the view that we should take no action at this stage.
baseline [?be?sla?n] n. 基线;基准
the figures for 2001 were used as a baseline for the study.
airline [?erla?n] n. 航线;航空公司
international airlines?世界航空公司
outline [?a?tla?n] n. 归纳;大纲;概要;略图;
be flexible. your outline should smoothl

y conduct you from one point to the next, but do not permit it to railroad you. if a relevant and important idea occurs to you now, work it into the draft.


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