??经济学人精读:《复联4》竟如此火爆!| 考研英语外刊双语




咱们想说的是,“结局之战”并非结束,它只是是个初步。(avengers: endgame” is just the beginning)。我看了下经济学人,上面有好几篇关于这个影片的报导,今日就精读下面这一段。

原文:demand is so high that many cinema chains?are planning up to a week of round-the-clock screenings in select venues, with a showing every 30 or even 15 minutes. when tickets went on sale, every major ticketing site in america crashed.?the story is similar in china, too.?“endgame” has sold twice as many pre-sale tickets as “monster hunt 2” (2021), a celebrated adventure flick. no other title has sold more than 1m tickets before its release, not even those timed for chinese new year, a high point for attendance. “endgame” did so in three hours.


第一句:demand is?so high that?many cinema chains?are planning?up to?a week of?round-the-clock screenings?in?select venues,?with a showing?every 30 or even 15 minutes.


1.?主句中包括一个so that的句型,意思是“如此……,致使于……”,可是中文很少这么说,翻译时直接翻译成果就可以了。例如经济学人上的这句话:

debt ratios are?so high that?it seems unlikely that most developed economies can grow their way out of the mess.


2.?demand is so high:需要意译。这有些直译就是“需要如此之高”。调查整段话的语境,它是在说复联4的热销情况。因而这个demand有必要具体化翻译,即“对复联4影片票的需要”。影片售票情况非常好,中文里有一个词叫“叫座”。所以把它意译为“《复仇者联盟4:结局之战》非常叫座”。

3.?cinema chains,指连锁影院。“影院”这儿运用了cinema,因为这是经济学人用词,英国更常用cinema,而美国、加拿大和澳洲更常运用 movie theater。

看影片咱们一般会说go to the cinema,但在英国多用go to the pictures,在美国多用go to the movies。假定说“带或人去看影片”除了说take sb to the cinema/ the pictures/the movies,也可以说take sb to see/watch a film/movie。

4.?cinema chains,指连锁影院。咱们说“连锁的”就可以用chain这个词,例如“连锁公司”chain enterprises;“连锁商铺”chain stores。

留心“连锁影院”是cinema chains,相同的用法还有“连锁超市”一般写为supermarket chains,很少用chain supermarkets,如柯林斯词典例句supermarket?chains?have?shaved?prices.?超市连锁店现已稍稍降价。

5.?“planning up to a week of round-the-clock screenings in select venues”是plan +sth.的规划。这儿的sth.指的是“up to a week of round-the-clock screenings in select venues”。

6.?up to a week of,意思是“长达一周……”。a week of 一周的……,up to后边常常加数字,标明“高达,多达”。金融时报上说:

he estimated that?up to?100 companies now have “hundreds of millions in revenue and profitability” .


所以,up to a week of就是“长达一周”或“接连一周”。


round-the-clock restaurants?are sprouting up.?

它也可以写作“around the clock”,作副词。例如19年catti和mti全年班讲的一篇经济学人上在说到“工人昼夜不断地出产”时是这么说的:

it remains one of the world’s busiest factories. but it is well off its peak, when as many as 350,000 people kept production?humming around the clock.?


clock也可以作动词,有一个短语叫作clock out,标明“打卡下班”。前段时刻“996作业制”引发热议,上篇推送了经济学人精读:996作业,仍是“尽力作业,尽情玩乐”? | 外刊双语,其间有这句:

staff at jd.com, an e-commerce firm,?clocked out?at 11.16pm on average.



this will be the movie’s?first screening?in this country.


screening的近义词有showing和projection,例如后边的“with a showing every 30 or even 15 minutes”,showing即指“影片放映”。

“放映”作动词则可以说screen、show、project。“放映影片”就可以说screen/show/project a film。

原文的round-the-clock screenings即“全天候放映”。

9.?select venues:指定场所。venue这个词指“(作业或活动的)发生地,场所”,特别指一些表演、竞赛等。select 这儿是描述词,标明指定的,所以select venues这儿需要具体翻译为“指定影院”。

select还有个描述词是selective,标明高手的,如100元31篇外刊第一篇《持续教育晋级》那篇里边就遇到了这个表达,selective grammar schools高手文法学校。

10.?with a showing every 30 or even 15 minutes:with引出伴随成分,标明“全天候放映”的具体场次情况。翻译的时分留心作业遣词“场次间隔30分钟,甚至只间隔15分钟”。

第二句:when tickets?went on sale,?every major ticketing site?in america?crashed.


1.?go on sale:固定表达,指“出售”。金融时报上说:

the new model is due to go on sale in early 2010.


还有一个短语叫for sale,标明“待售,出售”之意。它常写作put/be?up for sale。举两个比方,a. there was a camera for sale in the window. 橱窗里有一架相机待售。b. the castle has been put up for sale. 该城堡现已对外出售。

go on sale标明“初步出售”或“上市”。留心这儿的“上市”不是指公司上市,而是指产品“初步出售”。例如经济学人上有这么一个语句:

it was supposed to?go on sale?in america last year, but was not ready.


2.?ticketing site:指“票务网站”。ticketing是名词,指“售票,票务”。例如“线上票务,在线售票,网上购票”就是online ticketing,“票务体系”是ticketing systems。

3.?crash常见意义是“磕碰”,“事端,坠机”都可以用crash这个词。例如“事端,撞车”就是car crash。“飞机失事,坠机”可以说air crash。前段时刻埃航坠机,推送的这篇纽约时报上是这么报导的纽约时报精读:埃航坠机,航空公司停飞 737 max | 外刊双语

an ethiopian airlines 737 max 8 bound for nairobi?crashed minutes after?take-off on sunday, killing all 157 people on board, including 8 chinese.


这儿的ticketing site?crashed,crash在这儿不是“磕碰”的意思,它指的是机器或体系(特别是核算机或核算机体系的)溃散、瘫痪。



“files can be lost if?the system suddenly crashes.

还比方咱们常说“电脑死机”就是the computer crashed电脑死机。

4.?every major后边加奇数名词,标明复数意义,标明“各大……”,如every major ticketing site 各大票务网站;in every major city就是各大城市。

第三句:the story is similar in china, too.


“the story is similar in”是固定表达,可以翻译为“……也有相同的情况/类似的局势;情况迥然不一样;……情况也是如此”等等。


the story is similar at other foreign universities.


第四句:“endgame” has?sold twice as many pre-sale tickets?as?“monster hunt 2”?(2021), a?celebrated?adventure?flick.



1.?“endgame” :即《复仇者联盟4:结局之战》;“monster hunt 2” :《捉妖记2》。

2.?twice as many?pre-sale tickets?as:两倍之多。留心倍数的表达,n times as many sth as。这个在考研英语、mti和catti考试里边是高频难点,有时分看着很简略,可是许多人就会翻译错,这个倍数翻译我现已重复讲过好几回了。比方之前推送的考研英语翻译里边就有无缺版2021年考研英语一翻译真题及参阅译文解析,其间有这句:

nowadays anyone applying for a research post has to have published?twice the number of papers?that would have been required for the same post only 10 years ago. never mind the quality, then, count the number.


倍数别翻译错了,?twice the number of和twice as many as都是……是……的两倍的意思,不是多两倍的意思,假定翻译成了多两倍或许两倍多的人。

3.?pre-sale tickets即“预售票”。

4.?a celebrated adventure flick:指“一部非常卖座的冒险片”。flick这个词的意思许多。它在这儿指的是movie,film,即“影片”。之前的推送里边也遇到过最新经济学人中有哪些精彩表达? | 外刊双语


since the 1970s the films most referred to have been?commercial flicks.


第五句:no other?title?has?sold more than 1m tickets?before?its release, not even those?timed for?chinese new year,?a high point for attendance.



“a 22-title marvel movie marathon”就是指“22部漫威系列影片”

marvel is yet to officially announce?the title of?avengers 4, but fans are increasingly becoming convinced that the film is called avengers: end?game.


…fans will have the opportunity to experience?a 22-title marvel movie marathon.


可见,title可以指影片称号,也可以引申指代一部影片。因而这句话的“no other title”翻译为“没有哪部影片”。

2.?release这个词作名词本身就有“新发行的影片”的意思,它也可以标明“影片的上映”。这句话中before its release,release是名词,指“上映”,即“正式上映之前”。它的近义词有premiere,distribution。

前面刚用了sold twice as many pre-sale tickets,这儿换个说法sold more than 1m tickets before its release,其实这两个是差不多意思,是可以交换的,比方sold more than 1m tickets before its release就可以写为sold more than 1m pre-sale tickets。

3.?timed for+时刻点:time作动词可以标明“为……断守时刻、组织时刻、选定机缘”,这段话里说的是断定影片的上映时刻,所以可以了解为“定档于”。因而,“those timed for chinese new year”就是“定档于新年时刻的影片”,也就是咱们所说的“贺岁片”。

它的近义词是scheduled for+时刻点,标明“为……组织时刻”之意。例如“竞赛定于星期六举办”,可以说“the game is scheduled for saturday”,也可以说“the game is timed for saturday”。

“定于/组织于某时”还可以用due to,scheduled to,timed to标明。例如filming was due to start next month.影片定于下月开拍。相同,这句话可以改写为:filming was scheduled to/timed to start next month。

4.?a high point for attendance是弥补阐明chinese new year,是其同位语,直译就是“影片上座率高的时刻点”。attendance是“参加、到会”的意思。


5.?所以no other title has sold more than 1m tickets before its release, not even those timed for chinese new year, a high point for attendance翻译为“在我国从没有哪部影片预售期就能卖出一百多万张票,上座率高的贺岁片也没做到”。

第六句:“endgame”?did so?in three hours.


did so中的“so”在这儿用来指代上文说到的作业,即指上文的“sold more than 1m tickets before its release”。举个比方:

‘do you think that made much of a difference to the family?’ — ‘i think so.’.



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