
india said it would shut twitter off unlesscriticalusers wererestricted, says dorsey多尔西说,假定不捆绑批判的用户,印度标明将关闭推特。【1】india threatened to shut twitter down unless itcompliedwith orders to restrict accountscriticalof the government’s handling of farmerprotests, the social media platform’s co-founder jack dorsey has said, anaccusationnarendra modi’s government denied.交际媒体平台推特的联合创始人杰克·多尔西(jack dorsey)标明,印度挟制要关闭推特,除非它遵守指令,捆绑那些批判政府处置农人对立活动的账户。纳伦德拉·莫迪(narendra modi)政府否定这一指控。【2】dorsey, who quit as twitter’s chiefexecutivein2021, said on monday that india had also threatened the company withraidson employees if it did not comply with governmentrequeststo take downcertainposts. “it manifested in ways such as ‘we will shut twitter down in india’, which is a very large market for us, [and] ‘ we will raid the homes of your employees’, which they did – and this is india, ademocraticcountry,” dorsey said in an interview with the youtube news show breaking points.2021年辞去推特首席实施官职务的多尔西周一标明,印度还挟制推特,假定不恪守政府的需求,删去某些帖子,将对其职工进行突击查看。多尔西在承受油管( youtube)新闻频道breaking points采访时说:“印度的体现方法有‘咱们将关闭印度的推特平台’(印度对咱们来说是一个非常大的商场),以及‘咱们将查找你们职工的居处’,他们的确这么做了,这就是印度,一个民主国家。”【3】india’sdeputyminister for information technology, rajeev chandrasekhar,respondedby calling dorsey’sassertionsan “outrightlie”. “no one went tojailnor was twitter ‘shut down

’. dorsey’s twitterregimehad a problemacceptingthesovereigntyof indian law,” he said in a post on twitter.印度信息技能部副部长拉杰夫·钱德拉塞卡(rajeev chandrasekhar)回答道,多尔西的说法是“彻上彻下的鬼话”。他在推特上发帖说:“没有人入狱,推特也没有被‘关闭’。多尔西的推特准则在承受印度法令主权方面有疑问。”【4】dorsey’scommentsagain put thespotlighton thestrugglesfaced by foreign technology giants operating under modi’s government, and theshrinkingspace to protect freedom of speech while also complying with india’s increasinglydraconiansocial media laws. modi and his ministers areprolificusers of twitter, but free speech activists say hisadministrationresortstoexcessivecensorshipof any criticism. according to analysis of the company’stransparencyreports, legal demands made by the modi government to remove content from twitter increased by48,000between2014and2021.多尔西的言辞再次让我们重视到,在莫迪政府领导下运营的外国科技巨子面临窘境,而且在恪守印度日益严肃的交际媒体法令的一起维护言辞安适的空间在日益减小。莫迪和他的部长们是推特的高频用户,但言辞安适活悦耳士标明,莫迪政府对任何批判都会过度检查。根据对该公司通明度陈述的分析,2014年至2021年时刻,莫迪政府提出的删去推特内容的法令需求添加了4.8万条。【5】indiamaintainsthat its contentremovalorders are aimed at protecting users and thesovereigntyof the state. but dorsey said many of the accounts that hadreceivedtakedownrequestswere “particularjournaliststhat werecriticalof the government”. hisallegationsshed further light on the pressures placed on twitter in2021as the modi government sought to control thenarrativearound theprotests, when hundreds of thousands of farmers set upcampsaround delhidemandingtherepealof a newagriculturallaw. theprotestswere a source ofembarrassmentto the government.印度坚称,其内容删去令旨在维护用户和国家主权。但多尔西标明,许多收到删去需求的账户都是“批判政府的特定记者”。他的指控进一步提示了2021年对推特施加的压力,因为莫迪政府企图控制有关对立活动的言辞,其时数十万农人在德里(delhi)周围树立了营地,需求扔掉一项新的农业法。对立活动是政府处于窘境的本源。【6】there wasoutrageafter hundreds of twitter accounts that had mentioned theprotests, including those ofprominentjournalistsand news websites, weresuspendedat the request of the modi government. this later grew into arowafter twitterrestoredmost of the accounts, citing “insufficientjustification”, and refused to take down a further1,100accounts allegedly spreading “misinformation” .在莫迪政府的需求下,暂停了数百个说到对立活动的推特账户,包括出名记者和新闻网站的账户,我们为此怒火中烧。之后,推特以“理由不充分”为由恢复了大有些账户,并回绝关闭另外1100个据称传达“差错信息”的账户,这引发了争持。【7】in response, modi’s government threatened twitter employees in india with fines andjailtime if the firm did not comply with their demands. the police also visited the twitter offices as part of anotherinquiry,promptingtwitter to express concerns about the safety of staff. the altercations between twitter and the indian government havelessenedsince the platform was bought by elon musk in a $44bn (£35bn) deal last year. india is twitter’s third largest market after the us and japan, but musk hasslashedthe indianworkforceby a reported90%.作为回答,莫迪政府挟制印度的推特职工,假定该公司不恪守他们的需求,将处以罚款和拘禁。作为另一项查询的一有些,警方还到访了推特的单位,这让推特担忧职工的平安。自上一年埃隆·马斯克(elon musk)以440亿美元(合350亿英镑)收购推特以来,推特与印度政府之间的争论有所减轻。印度是推特的第三大商场,仅次于美国和日本,但据报导,马斯克现已将印度劳作力削减了90%。【8】despite musk’s proclamation to be a “free speechabsolutist”, twitter appears to have willinglycompliedwith the indian government’srequestsandpushedback less than under dorsey. this was also stated by chandrasekhar, who did not name musk but said twitter had been incompliancesince june2022. this included theremovalof around50accounts in january which had tweeted links to a bbcdocumentarywhichexaminedmodi’s role in the2002gujaratriots.尽管马斯克声称自个是“言辞安适的必定主义者”,但推特如同情愿遵循印度政府的需求,而且在多尔西的领导下,推特的反击力度较小。钱德拉塞卡也标明晰这一点,他没有说到马斯克的名字,但标明推特自2022年6月以来一向恪守规则。其间包括在一月份删去了约50个账户,这些账户曾在推特上发布了bbc纪录片的联接,该纪录片检查了莫迪在2002年古吉拉特 骚乱中的人物。
①短语:1.原文:india said it would shut twitter offunless critical users were restricted.
词典:shut off/down 关闭;使中止作业
例句:it is required by law toshut downbanks which it regards as chronically short of capital.
2.原文:india threatened to shut twitter down unless it complied withorders to restrict accounts critical of the government’s handling of farmer protests
词典:comply with 遵循;遵守;依从
例句:much to their frustration, managers often struggle to get their staff tocomply witheven simple instructions.
3.原文:dorsey’s comments again put the spotlight onthe struggles faced by foreign technology giants operating under modi’s government
词典:put the spotlight on集合;致使重视
例句:it’s a habit which has been drummed into usfrom an early age, but the recent news about flossing your teeth could be a waste of time hasput the spotlight onoral hygiene.
4.原文:his allegations shed further light onthe pressures placed on twitter in 2021.
词典:shed light on阐明;提示;阐明
例句:more details would haveshed light onthe thoroughness of its investigations.
1.原文:dorsey,whoquit as twitter’s chief executive in 2021,saidon mondaythatindia had also threatened the company with raids on employeesifit did not comply with government requests to take down certain posts.
分析:本句包括一个定语从句、一个宾语从句和一个状语从句。主句为“dorseysaidon monday …”,“whoquit as twitter’s chief executive in 2021”为非捆绑性定语从句,润饰dorsey;“thatindia… employees”为宾语从句;“ifit… posts”为条件状语从句。
2.原文:butdorseysaidmany of the accountsthathad received takedown requests were “particular journaliststhatwere critical of the government”.
分析:本句包括一个宾语从句和两个定语从句。主句为“butdorseysaid…”;“many of the accountswere particular journalists”为宾语从句,省掉了联络词that;“thathad received takedown requests ”为定语从句,润饰accounts;“hatwere critical of the government”为定语从句,润饰journalists。
据路透社报导,当地时刻6月12日,推特创始人杰克·多尔西(jack dorsey)在承受采访时泄露,印度、土耳其等国曾挟制说要关闭推特,除非推特恪守规则,对推特用户施行捆绑。
2021年11月,多尔西辞去推特首席实施官一职。路透社报导称,这位前推特首席实施官的言辞致使了广泛重视,因为在印度运营的跨国公司揭露批判政府是不寻常的。关于多尔西的“批判”,印度信息技能国务部长拉杰夫·钱德拉塞卡(rajeev chandrasekhar)驳斥称,这是“彻上彻下的鬼话”。钱德拉塞卡标明,多尔西和他领导的推特团队再三违背印度法令。


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