





much effort has been spent on improving gender equity in hiring. unfortunately, while these initiatives can help organizations get more female candidates in the door, they often fall short when it comes to retention and development. of course, there are many reasons for this — but one of the key, systemic factors driving this ongoing challenge lies in how companies app

roach performance assessments and promotions.


社会在改善招聘的性别平等问题上已经做出了很多努力。不幸的是,虽然这些举措可以 助企业将更多女性求职者纳入考虑范围,但在留用和晋升方面,她们往往表现不佳。当然,造成这一问题的原因有很多——但驱动这一挑战持续存在的关键、系统性因素之一在于公司绩效评估和晋升的方式。


specifically, many companies employ some form of ranking mechanism to assess employees’ performance relative to each other, and then determine advancement accordingly. prior research has explored various pros and cons of these systems, but one area that has remained largely unexamined is their impact on gender representation.




how could an ostensibly objective, unbiased evaluation system foster inequity? a performance management system in which employees are ranked against one another creates a particular kind of competitive environment. prior studies have shown that men and women can respond differently to competition, but these studies have mostly looked at environments in which people compete for scarce physical or financial resources. performance rankings don’t necessarily involve competition for tangible resources, but they do create competition for another kind of resource: social status.




nevertheless, we found that just anticipating that they would be ranked significantly impacted participants’ performance, and that the impact was noticeably different for men and for women. when participants weren’t told that they’d be ranked, men and women performed at essentially the same level.?




but when they were explicitly told that they would be ranked, men performed better than those who weren’t told anything, while women performed a lot worse. this resulted in substantial discrepancies in net performance: when they knew they’d be ranked, male participants solved almost 40% more problems than female participants.




本文节选自:harvard business review(哈佛商业评论)


作者:klarita g?rxhani

原文标题:research: how ranking performance can hurt women





英 /r??k/ 美 /r??k/
n. 军衔,军阶; (社会、团体中的)地位,等级; (尤指较高的)地位; 行列; 横排
v. 把……分等级,属于某等级; <美>级别高于,地位高于; 排列,使排成行
adj. (植被)茂密的,芜生蔓长的; 难闻的,恶臭的; (强调质量、状况等)极端的,糟糕的



英 /?pra??/ 美 /?pra??/
adj. 先前的,事先的; 优先的,更重要的
n. 犯罪前科; 小修道院院长; 大修道院副院长



英 /??stens?bli/ 美 //



英 /?l?v?l/ 美 /?l?v?l/
n. 数量,程度; 标准,水平; 级别; 看待(或应对、理解)事物的方式; 相对高度; 楼层; 平地; 水平仪
adj. 平坦的,水平的; 相同价值的,相同地位的; 比分相同的; 平静的,冷静的
v. 使平整; 推倒,夷平; (使)比分相同; (尤指用枪)瞄准; 针对……(进行批评等); 稳定下来,达到平衡(level off); 坦诚相见; 作水准测量




1.net performance 净绩效




this resulted in substantial discrepancies in net performance.

结构: this resulted in substantial discrepancies in ….


例句: this resulted in substantial discrepancies in productivity.????????


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