??这篇推送缓不济急,主张联系与上一年此时的文章一同阅览:深度好文 | 聊一聊2021年上外高翻考研初试真题。以下为正文:




文章标题是discussion of keywords in?the rising of big data policing,标题都是英文格局,大致内容是:

1. 关于四个要害词expertise/transparency/scale/society,总结作者的观念。(40分)

2. 你对这些观念的观点,你是不是附和作者观念,有没有想参加的论题。(60分)


长文章阅览:作者对andrew guthrie ferguson的the rise of big data policing: surveillance, race, and the future of law enforcement这本书提炼了四个要害词:expertise;transparency;scale;society。环绕这四个要害词,写了big data的影响。



1. be specific.

2. use your own words. copying or close paraphrase of the texts is discouraged.

3. 对每个词的summary都要写成mini-essay prompts.







第一有些:expertise & transparency

paragraph 1: expertise很重要,especially predictive policing,experts懂新技能也晓得它的缺陷,还在law-enforcement方面给予辅导。

paragraph 2: transparency也很重要,这是ferguson重复提及的主题,它在书中有许

多方法,比方accountability。越是在data decision方面不可通明的当地,越需要accountability。

paragraph 3:专家chandler认为技能本身就满足了,可是ferguson觉得没有专家引导,现有的东西(不合)会加剧/恶化,including/比方对非洲美裔的轻视。

第二块:scale & society

paragraph 1: 跟着技能的打开,咱们社会被控制得越紧密。正如某专家所言,咱们的社会成了“监狱”。

paragraph 2:无须多言,这是最佳的年代,也是最坏的年代。

paragraph 3:新技能处置了咱们的难题,这在早年是难以愿望的。surveillance的确加强了。曩昔有的人处处留自个的信息(住址、作业地址等地址,ssn,邮箱等),如今这样就有隐私泄露风险。

paragraph 4:ferguson 一向认为咱们无须对此反应过分;the impact brought by big data through the scale grows; 可是它确的确实也带来了优点,比方早年差人在某些方面信息很少,如今获取这些信息对他们而言垂手可得;对新技能/big data不要粗暴回绝。(分号是顺次序我的回想的意思)


提示:1. 咱们期望看到清楚、清楚的summary,比方~。2.以下疑问可以当作是mini-essay。

1. 分要害词写summary(expertise,transparency,scale,society)

2. write your view on this topic(i.e. 你附和作者的观念吗,你还有没有另外主意?)



作者对一本书the rise of big data: surveillance, race还有个啥不记住了,宣告观念,分析的时分从scale society transparency expertise四个视点分析,最终就是,大数据有风险,但合理监管没啥疑问.


不要写vague general观念,不要paraphrase,高度的summary,the following questions are best understood as mini-essay prompts。

疑问1:从scale society transparency expertise四个视点总结作者观念。



文章:两页半支配,内容是big data policing,分为两有些,第一有些的要害词是expertise和transparency,第二有些的要害词是scale和society,文章如同出自new york press,结束列了许多文章引证。

标题:一共两道题,第一题需求根据四个要害词写summary,需求高度具体、总结,不得closely coping和paraphrasing。第二题问你是不是附和作者的观念,and what topics you would like to introduce in the discussion?



文章所触及的书名全称是the rise of big data policing: surveillance, race, and the future of law enforcement,作者是andrew guthrie ferguson。



in a high-tech command center in downtown los angeles, a digital map lights up with 911 calls, television monitors track breaking news stories, surveillance cameras sweep the streets, and rows of networked computers link analysts and police officers to a wealth of law enforcement intelligence.

this is just a glimpse into a future where software predicts future crimes, algorithms generate virtual “most-wanted” lists, and databanks collect personal and biometric information.?the rise of big data policing?introduces the cutting-edge technology that is changing how the police do their jobs and shows why it is more important than ever that citizens understand the far-reaching consequences of big data surveillance as a law enforcement tool.

andrew guthrie ferguson reveals how these new technologies—viewed as race-neutral and objective—have been eagerly adopted by police departments hoping to distance themselves from claims of racial bias and unconstitutional practices. after a series of high-profile police shootings and federal investigations into systemic police misconduct, and in an era of law enforcement budget cutbacks, data-driven policing has been billed as a way to “turn the page” on racial bias.

but behind the data are real people, and difficult questions remain about racial discrimination and the potential to distort constitutional protections.

in this first book on big data policing, ferguson offers an examination of how new technologies will alter the who, where, when and how we police. these new technologies also offer data-driven methods to improve police accountability and to remedy the underlying socio-economic risk factors that encourage crime.

the rise of big data policing?is a must read for anyone concerned with how technology will revolutionize law enforcement and its potential threat to the security, privacy, and constitutional rights of citizens.











话休絮烦,让咱们回到初试标题上。正如前面所说的,上外高翻翻译硕士英语类另外标题用一篇短阅览作为引入,接着出了总结题和写作题(mini essay),查询的无外乎仍是阅览、总结、写作才能。题型的改变是显着的,题量的削减也是显着的(必定有许多同学拿到试卷时惊叹:怎么就一张纸!),可是查询的才能是不变的。





1. 英译中(70分)

why historians would make bad policy advisers

neville morley

‘my work,’ claimed the ancient athenian writer thucydides, ‘was written as a possession for all time, not a piece of entertainment for the moment.’ because of ‘the human thing’ – to anthropinon in greek, a phrase similar to ‘human nature’ but rather looser – events tend to be repeated in more or less similar ways. therefore, thucydides argued, his account of the war between the athenians and the spartans would not only be informative about past events, but useful in understanding the present and future as well.

although few today would endorse thucydides’ view that the peloponnesian war was the greatest event in human history, the idea that his account has lasting relevance and importance beyond the war is widely accepted. this explains why he is one of the most cited classical authors, evoked in media discussions of topics as varied as the brexit vote, the greek economic crisis, the russian annexation of crimea and, most persistently in recent years, the tensions between the united states and china, in the form of the so-called ‘thucydides trap’. thucydides is perceived as someone who has looked beneath the chaos and confusion of events to understand what’s really going on. his reputation inspires trust and belief as w h auden suggested at the outbreak of the second world war (‘exiled thucydides knew…’).

the claim that thucydides’ account of the past is useful is often extended to historiography in general, rather than just to his specific – and idiosyncratic – approach. but widespread acceptance of thucydides’ authority disguises the fact that his approach to the past, and to the lessons that can be drawn from it, can be understood in very different ways, with radically different implications for modern history. for some readers, it establishes the value of accumulating knowledge about the past, and the endless varieties and complexities of human behaviour in different contexts, as an end in itself. for others, focused on thucydides’ claims about ‘the human thing’ as a historical constant that shapes events, it underpins the project of deriving wider principles and laws of human behaviour from the data of the past.

the latest iteration of the latter view comes from the harvard academics graham allison and niall ferguson, who argue in the atlantic for the establishment of a presidential council of historical advisers, and suggest that its charter should ‘begin with thucydides’ observation that “the events of future history… will be of the same nature – or nearly so – as the history of the past, so long as men are men”’. us policymakers, they argue, too often live in the ‘united states of amnesia’, with sometimes catastrophic consequences. it’s time for them to start listening to historians as well as to economists – and for historians to develop a new discipline of applied history so that they are in a position to offer the right kinds of advice as soon as the president sees sense and appoints full-time historical advisers, suitably remunerated, with a professional support staff.

historians have feared the obsolescence and irrelevance of their discipline for at least half a century – a theme that’s become more prominent in the past few years – and have quietly resented the influence of (in their eyes) the reductionist, simplistic and, above all, short-termist social sciences. ‘editorials apply economic models to sumo wrestlers and palaeolithic anthropology to customs of dating,’ complained jo guldi and david armitage in their history manifesto of 2014. ‘these lessons are repeated on the news, and their proponents are elevated to the status of public intellectuals. their rules seem to point to unchanging levers that govern our world.’ allison and ferguson likewise object to the ‘spurious certainty’ offered by social scientists. presidents, they argue, should base their decisions on evidence drawn from reality – the lessons of the great depression, john f kennedy’s handling of the cuban missile crisis or the 50-odd ‘brutal, fanatical and purpose-driven’ groups that the historical record offers as possible analogues to isis – rather than abstract, supposedly timeless economic or political theories.

historical research shows how things change over time. the past was different from the present, so there is no reason to imagine that our present condition will be indefinitely extended into the future. history reveals the enormous variety and variability of human institutions and behaviour, setting clear limits on the validity and plausibility of any universalising generalisations. the problem for any would-be applied historian lies in converting this necessary corrective of over-confident social-scientific assertions or politicians’ simplistic assumptions – the historian’s reflex ‘actually, it’s rather more complicated than that’ – into anything resembling the sort of practical policy advice that politicians or civil servants will ever take seriously.

the classic british example of a mismatch between historians’ professional caution and policymakers’ demands for clarity and simplicity remains the meeting organised in 1990 to advise margaret thatcher on the prospect of german reunification. experts such as norman stone, fritz stern and timothy garton ash sought to outline the key events of modern german history in order to contextualise the situation – and faced constant demands for definitive statements about ‘the german character’ and whether ‘germans’ could be trusted. nuance and ambiguity are clearly regarded as an impediment to decision-making but they are the stock-in trade of the historian.

allison and ferguson implicitly recognise this problem. their case for putting historians at the heart of government opens with recent examples of historical ignorance and na?ve assumptions, about islam, iraq and russia, which led to unnecessary mistakes; better knowledge of history would have revealed the complexity of those situations and, presumably, encouraged greater caution. but their claim for the usefulness of history is much stronger, as it has to be in order to win the ear of power: the past can, they argue, furnish effective and illuminating analogues for current problems, from which applied historians can identify likely outcomes and suggest policy interventions.

as they observe, ‘historical analogies are easy to get wrong’, and too many ‘amateur analogies’ already pervade discussions of contemporary affairs. people have a clear tendency to find themselves and their situation in the past. however, it is not clear what the essential difference could be between ‘amateur’ and professional analogies, beyond the status of the person claiming to have identified them. in either case, the effectiveness of the analogy depends on emphasising the resemblances between past and present, and setting aside or explaining away the differences – all while trying to argue that rival examples (there are always many other possibilities to be found) are much less relevant.

the past is not a neutral body of data, objectively coded so that events can be matched to one another for analytical purposes. rather, it is always the product of a process of interpretation and representation. some events are more familiar than others and come pre-loaded with meaning, which is why nazi analogies are so popular and so invariably unhelpful. though professional historians can draw on a wider range of potential examples, with a great deal more detail and complexity, much then has to be stripped away in order to make the analogy persuasive, and more persuasive than other analogies. is donald trump mussolini, nero, alcibiades or george wallace? do us commitments to japan and the philippines more closely resemble the 1839 treaty governing the neutrality of belgium or the early years of the delian league?

one possible answer is: yes and no. any historical example will present both similarity and difference to the present, and reflecting on both these aspects can give us a better understanding of our own situation and its possibilities for good and ill. (potentially, at least; i remain skeptical that thucydides could ‘explain’ trump). we can use the example to think with, without having to claim that it is somehow objectively more relevant than other pieces of the past, or that it embodies any invariant universal principle. there’s a case to be made that this was thucydides’ intention for his work. he certainly doesn’t offer the sorts of explicit, universal laws of political behaviour and inter-state relations that many of his modern readers claim to identify, but nor does he present an account of events for their own sake, irrelevant to the present.

rather, thucydides invites us to compare the events he describes with our own situation, and presents them in a way that confronts us with the complexity and unpredictability of the world. his narrative is driven not by abstract and inhuman laws but by the deliberations and decisions of people, and so by the power of rhetoric, the rhetoric of power, and human susceptibility to emotion and self-delusion. far from endorsing a search for simplistic historical analogies as a basis for policy recommendations, thucydides would most likely regard this habit as further evidence of our limited capabilities for self-knowledge, deliberation and anticipation – another facet of the ‘human thing’ that leads us to make similar mistakes again and again.



2. 中译英(80分)


















值得一提的是,北外高翻翻译类另外英译中考了“constantine and christianity”。看来,上外北外这两所院校是真的对古罗马文明甚至西方文明史情有独钟。这也极好了解,人文教育正本就是言语和翻译学习的重要构成有些。

三年前,我想在大众号带着我们读吉本的《罗马帝国衰亡史》(the history of the decline and fall of the roman empire),不过只发了一篇文章:英文作品精读 | 吉本「罗马帝国衰亡史」。




1. 名词说明(每个5分,共20分)





2. 用白话文翻译宋词(20分)






3. 就下面的论题谈谈你的观点(二选一,30分)



4. 将下文缩写成500字中文(30分)






严又陵认为译事三难:信,达,雅。其实归根究竟,“信”字最不简略办到。原文“达”而“雅,译文不“达”不“雅“,那仍是不“信”;假定原文不“达”不 “雅”,译文“达”而“雅”,过为己甚,那也仍是不“信”。所谓“信”是对原文忠诚,恰如其分地把它的意思用中文表达出来。有文学价值的作品必是无缺的有机体,情感思维和语文个性必融为一体,声响与意义也必欣合无间。所以对原文忠诚,不只是对浮面的字义忠诚,对情感,思维,个性,声响节奏等必一起忠诚。稍有翻译经历的人都晓得这是极难的事。有些文学作品书本不可以翻译,特别是诗(说诗可翻译的人大约不理解得诗)。必定的“信”只是一个抱负,实际上很不易做到。可是咱们必求尽量契合这个抱负,在可以规模之内不大约忽略苟且。

“信”最难,缘由甚多。头一层是字义难完全晓得。字有衷耘嗷同方法的意义,一般人翻字典看书译书,多半只看到字的一种意义,可以叫做直指的或字典的意义(indicative or dictionary)。比方指“火”的什物那一个名谓字,在中西各国文字虽各纷歧样而所指的却是同一什物,这就是在字典上所规则的。这是文字最根柢的意义,最广泛也最粗浅。它最广泛,因为任何人关于它大致相同的晓得。它也最粗浅,因为它用得太久,比如旧铜钱,磨得光滑褴褛,尽管还可用来在商场上打生意,实际上已没有一点特性。在文学作品里,每个字须有它的特性,它的特别生命。所以文学家或是避免熟烂的字,或是虽用它而却设法灌注一种重生命给它。一个字所结邻家不一样,意义也就不一样。比方“步出城东门,眺望江南路,前日风雪中,故人从此去”和“快马秋风冀北,杏花春雨江南”两诗中同有“江南”,而前诗的“江南”富含告另外苍凉意味,后诗的“江南”却富含风光清丽的意味。其次,一个字所占的方位不一样,意义也就不一样。比方杜甫的名句“红豆啄残鹦鹉粒,凤凰栖老碧梧枝。”有人疑这话不通,应改为“鹦鹉啄残红豆粒,凤凰栖老碧梧枝。”其实这两种说法本纷歧样。杜句的着要点在“红豆”和“碧梧”。杜甫并非倒装出奇,他其时所咏的主体原是红豆碧梧,而不是鹦鹉风凰。这种依邻伴不一样和方位不一样而得的意义在文学上最为重要,可以叫做“上下文抉择的意义”(contextual meaning)。这种意义在字典中不必定寻得出,咱们有必要玩索上下文才干明晰。

此外,文字还有另一种意义,每一个字在一国语文中都有很耐久的前史,在前史进程中,它和许多事物情境发生联想,和那一国的公民日子状况天衣无缝,它有一种特别的情感空气。各国各地的事物情境和公民日子状况不一样,同指一事物的字所造成的使的联想和所霜动的情味也就不一样。比方英文中fire,sea,castle,sport,shepherd,nightingale,race之类字关于英国人所造成的使心思反应和关于咱们我国人所造成的使的心思反应大有别离。它们关于英国人意义较为丰厚。同理,中文中“风,月,江,湖,梅,菊,燕,碑,笛,僧,隐逸,礼,阴阳”等字关于咱们所造成的使的联想和情味也决不是西方人所能完全晓得的。这可以叫做“联想的意义”(association meaning)。假定咱们不了解一国的情面风俗和文明前史背就连关于文字的这种意义也就茫然,特别在翻译时,这一种字义最不易唐塞。有时根柢没有恰当的字,有时表面上虽有恰当的字,而这字在两国文字中的情感空气,联想不一样。如sea和海,willow和柳。


此外还有两种非有必要的,第一种是“前史沿革的意义”(historic meaning)。字有前史,即有生长变迁。我国白话和白话在用字上别离很大,阅览古书需要特别的练习。西文因为语文接近,文字变迁得更快,就是十8世纪的文字距今虽只一百余年,假定完全用现行字义去解,也一般陷于误谬。西方字典学比照兴隆,某字从某年代改动意义或新起一意义,常有例子可考。假定对文字沿革略有基础而又肯勤翻详载字源的字典,这一层困难就可以清除。许多译者在这方面不留心,所以翻译较古的书常发生差错。

其次,文字是有生命的东西,有时欢欣开一点玩笑,耍一点花枪。古怪的比譬可以使一个字的引申义与原义貌不有关,某一作业的堵截可以变成各阶层的一般话。文字游戏可以使两个本不有关的只需一点可笑的类似的字迁就在一同,一种偶尔的运用可以变成一个典故,如此等类的情境所构成的文字的特别意义可以叫做“习气语的意义”(idiomatic meaning)。一般所谓“土语”(slang)也可以纳于这一类。这一类字义关于初学是一个大难关。晓得既不易,翻译更难。英文的习气语和土语牵强用英文来说明,还不免失掉原有的意味;假定用中文来译,除非是有恰巧恰当的成语,意味更索然了。





5. 作文:先阅览一段材料,然后谈谈对教育惩戒权的观点,800字(50分)




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