





in this issue, as part of our ongoing century of science project, we dig deep into how the extraordinary advances in computing over the last 100 years have transformed our lives, and we ponder implications for the future. who gets to decide how much control algorithms have over our lives? will artificial intelligence learn how to really think like humans? what would ethical ai look like? and can we keep the robots from killing us?


在本期中,作为持续的世纪科学项意图一有些,咱们深化谈论了曩昔一百年里核算机获得的特别前进是如何改动咱们的日子的,而且咱们思考了对将来的影响。谁来抉择算法对咱们的日子发生多大的控制?人工智能能学会真实像人类相同思考吗? 德的人工智能会是啥姿势?咱们能保证机器人不反杀人类吗?


that last question may sound hypothetical, but it’s not. as freelance science and technology writer matthew hutson reports, lethal autonomous drones able to attack without human intervention already exist. and though killer drones may be the most dystopian vision of a future controlled by ai, software is already making decisions ab

out our lives every day, from the advertisements we see on facebook to influencing who gets denied parole from prison.




even something as basic to human life as our social interactions can be used by ai to identify individuals within supposedly anonymized data, as staff writer nikk ogasa reports. researchers taught an artificial neural network to identify patterns in the date, time, direction and duration of weekly mobile phone calls and texts in a large anonymized dataset. the ai was able to identify individuals by the patterns of their behavior and that of their contacts.




innovations in computing have come with astonishing speed, and we humans have adapted almost as quickly. i remember being thrilled with my first laptop, my first flip phone, my first blackberry. as we’ve welcomed each new marvel into our lives, we’ve bent our behavior. i could download a productivity app that promises to train me to stay focused, but using the phone to avoid the phone seems both too silly and too sad.




not enough computer scientists and engineers have training in the social implications of their technologies, hutson writes, including training in ethics. more importantly, they’re not having enough conversations about how the algorithms they write could affect people’s lives in unexpected ways, before the next big innovation gets sent out into the world. as the technology gets ever more powerful, those conversations need to happen long before the circuit is built or the code is written. how else will the robots know when they’ve gone too far?




这篇文章节选自:science news(科学新闻)


作者:nancy shute

原文标题:computing has changed everything. what next??




英[?fri?lɑ?ns]美 [?fri?l?ns]



英 [?li?θl]美 [?li?θl]
n.同“lethal gene”



英 [p??r??l]美 [p??ro?l]




1.dig deep into? ? 深化发掘

2.autonomous drone? ? 无人机




in this issue, as part of our ongoing century of science project, we dig deep into?how the extraordinary advances in computing over the last 100 years have transformed our lives, and we ponder implications for the future.?

规划:sb. dig deep into?sth.


例句:he digs deep into?quantum mechanics.?he is so engrossed in his research that he forgets the passage of time.????


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