
1构建人类命运一起体building a community with a shared future for humanity

2推进全球打点体系改造promoting the reform of global governance system

3“一带一路”the belt and road initiative

4核平安观nuclear safety strategy

5交流互鉴的文明观exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations

6新式亚洲平安观the new asian security concept

7全球火伴联络global partnership

8新打开观a new vision on development

9网络空间命运一起体building a community with a shared future in cyberspace

10经济全球化观the concept of economic globalization

11全球打点观the concept of global governance

12金砖国家新开发银行new development bank

13亚太经合组织北京峰会apec beijing summit

14共建面向将来的亚太火伴联络jointly building the future-oriented asia-pacific partnership

15世界互联网大会world internet conference

16协作应对气候改变cooperation in addressing climate change

17亚洲基础设备出资银行asian infrastructure investment bank

18二十国集团领导人杭州峰会g20 hangzhou summit

19金砖国家领导人厦门接见会面brics xiamen summit

20深化金砖火伴联络deepening brics partnership

21上海协作组织青岛峰会sco qingdao summit

22首届我国世界进口饱览会the first china international import expo


绸之路经济带the silk road economic belt

2421 世纪海上丝绸之路the 21st century maritime silk road

25丝路基金silk road fund

26推进“一带一路”缔造作业领导小组steering group for the belt and road initiative

27《推进共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的期望与行为》join hands to build a silk road economic belt and a 21st century maritime silk road – vision and actions

28“五通”the “five-pronged approach”

29利益一起体the community of shared interests

30责任一起体the community of shared responsibility

31命运一起体the community of shared future

32绿色丝绸之路silk road of green development

33安康丝绸之路silk road of health cooperation

34智力丝绸之路silk road of education and innovation

35平缓丝绸之路silk road of peace

36方针交流policy coordination

37设备联通connectivity of infrastructure

38生意疏通unimpeded trade

39资金融通financial integration

40民意相通closer people-to-people ties

41“一带一路”世界协作顶峰论坛the belt and road forum for international cooperation

42上海协作组织shanghai cooperation organization

43我国—东盟“10+1”机制china-asean (10+1) cooperation mechanism

44亚太经济协作组织asia-pacific economic cooperation

45亚欧会议asia-europe meeting

46亚洲协刁难话asia cooperation dialogue

47亚信会议conference on interaction and confidence-building measures in asia

48我国—海合会战略对话china-gulf cooperation council strategic dialogue

49大湄公河次区域经济协作greater mekong subregion economic cooperation

50中亚区域经济协作central asia regional economic cooperation

51中蒙俄经济走廊china-mongolia-russia economic corridor

52新亚欧大陆桥new eurasian land bridge

53我国—中亚—西亚经济走廊china-central asia-west asia economic corridor

54我国—中南半岛经济走廊china-indochina peninsula economic corridor

55中巴经济走廊china-pakistan economic corridor

56孟中印缅经济走廊bangladesh-china-india-myanmar economic corridor

57中白工业园china-belarus industrial park

58瓜达尔港安适区gwadar port free zone

59科伦坡港口城port city colombo

60中欧班列china railway express

61雅万高铁jakarta-bandung highspeed railway

62中老铁路china-laos railway

63中泰铁路china-thailand railway

64蒙内铁路mombasa-nairobi railway

65亚的斯—阿达玛高速公路addis ababa-adama expressway

66卡洛特水电站karot hydropower project

67埃?找潦烤承髑鴈gypt suez economic and trade cooperation zone????


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