

许多网友都在慨叹,我国交际官杨洁篪tiger yang的外号真不是白叫的,非常?hard-line(坚持情绪的,强硬的)。
? 美国没有资历居高临下同我国说话!

the?united states?should not be condescending in?its tone when speaking to?china.




professor hutter’s manner is extremely condescending.



we chinese people don’t buy it.


口语中buy it标明“信认为真”,i don’t buy it就是“我才不信赖,我不吃这一套!”


don’t talk to me in that way, because i don’t buy it.




panda diplomacy
two?musk?oxen for a pair of giant pandas. who would make that trade?
musk oxen麝牛a large animal of the cow family that is covered with hair and has curved horns
musk?/m?sk/ ①麝香a substance with a strong smell that is used to make perfume②激烈的气味,尤指人的体会(书面语)(written)a strong smell, especially the way a person smells【比方】the musk of sweat and muscle汗味和体会【词源】来自拉丁语 mus, 老鼠,由小老鼠引申词为阴囊,后用于指宣告麝香香味的麝鹿的麝腺体,即麝香。其词义演化体现了古代的用了解之物来命名某类似之物的命名法。
the chinese did, when president richard m. nixon was on his world-changing trip to china in 1972.
我国人就是这么干的,这件事发生在1972年,理查德·m·尼克松总统(president richard m. nixon)那次改动世界的访华之旅进程中。
thus renewed the american?love affair?with these?jumbo?creatures, the newest of which — twins -?were born to the teenage panda mei xiang at the national zoo in washington on saturday (one did not survive the week).
所以美国人从头爱上了这种吃竹子的动物,就在8月22日,华盛顿国家动物园的熊猫美香还产下了双胞胎宝宝,不过其间一只在一周内夭亡了 。?
四级 六级
love affair:①常指非夫妻间的“性联络;风流风雅之事”a romantic sexual relationship, usually between two people who are not married to each other?【近义表达】romance,romp,amour,affaire
②love affair with对某事物的“激烈快乐喜爱,酷爱,酷爱”a strong enjoyment of sth【例句】the book describes america’s love affair with baseball.这本书描绘了美国人对棒球运动的无限酷爱。【近义表达】mania,passion?
专8 gmat
jumbo?/?d??m.b?? $ -bo?/adj.?特大(号)的;巨型的extremely large【比方】a jumbo-sized packet 特大号盒子;jumbo jet巨型飞机,大型喷气式客机(口语中常常直接说jumbo)
【词源】来自 jumbo, 19世纪末伦敦动物园一头大象的名字,可以来自西非某言语。传闻,它在1862年被人在非洲捕获,其时仍是一头小象。成年后它长成了一头庞然大物,身高3 . 5米,体重6 . 5吨。它早年在伦敦动物园日子了十多年,后来被卖到美国,在马戏团中扮演,处处引发了极大的颤动。它的名字 jumbo 后来就引申为“无量的,巨型的”,并用于指大型客机,特别是波音747 .在英美超市中常常看到一些产品包装上印有 jumbo 的字样,是“超大号”的意思。
panda diplomacy has had a long history, but before ling-ling and hsing-hsing arrived in the united states (not long after nixon returned from his trip), there hadn’t been a giant panda here for more than 20 years.
at the new york times, this was front page news, and it began with a?vigorous?debate about where the pandas would reside. in an article on march 1, 1972, murray schumach reported that “with the intensity of politicians?bargaining for?presidential convention delegates, zoo directors are bringing every kind of pressure to get one of the furry clowns with the black-patched white bodies and the black-ringed eyes.”
玲玲和兴兴的到来成了《纽约时报》的头版新闻,先是一场剧烈的争论,谈论它们究竟大约住在啥当地。在1972年3月1日的文章中,默里·舒马赫(murray schumach)写道,“众家动物园园长为得到一只是非相间、带黑眼圈的毛绒小丑用尽全身身手,就像政ke为了变成总统会议代表一般剧烈。”?
四级 六级 考研?雅思 托福 专四
①充溢活力的;决断的;精力充分的,活泼的very active, determined or full of energy【例句】zuijie’s speech was met with vigorous applause.最姐的讲演遭到了火热的等待
②健壮的;健旺的,有力的strong and healthy【比方】 a vigorous young man身强力壮的年青人
【近义分析1】active, energetic, vigorous, brisk, lively都有“活泼的,活泼的”的意义,但有所差异:
active: 指有活动才能,偏重与低沉或休止相反的活泼活动状况。
energetic: 提精力充分、奋力从事某作业。
vigorous: 指不只体现活泼、有生气,而且固有精力和活力非常旺盛。
brisk: 指动作灵敏、充溢活力、轻盈生动地从事某项作业或活动。
lively: 偏重支轮船快,机警,有生气。
【近义分析2】wholesome, fit, robust, strong, sound, tough, healthy, sturdy, vigorous, well都有“安康的,健旺的”的意思,但有所差异:
wholesome: 多指能给人留下身体安康、思维健全或道德杰出等形象。fit: 既可指健旺又可指健全无病。
robust: 偏重身体健旺。
strong: 既指体魄健旺,又指膂力或精力上的力气。
sound: 偏重身体各有些或器官没有病,无任何缺陷,即安康。
tough: 偏重指人的体魄健旺。
healthy: 指身体无病,也可指身心健全、正常的。
sturdy: 偏重于健壮的体魄。
vigorous: 指人健旺有力,精力充分。
well: 仅指没有疾病,但不必定很安康。?
高考?四级 考研?雅思 专四 gmat
bargain for
①想贱卖把…弄到手,还价还价try to get sth at a low price【例句】zuijie spent hours bargaining for a valuable painting.最姐花了好几个小时还价还价,想把一幅宝贵的绘画弄到手。
②思考到,估量到,意料到to expect that something will happen and make it part of your plans?【例句】they hadn’t bargained for such a dramatic change in the weather.【近义表达】figure on,expect,anticipate
the bronx zoo had a compelling case: “we still have the panda house with its sprinkler and swimming pool,” its director, william g. conway, was quoted as saying in the article. “it is now inhabited by wallabies,” mr. conway was further quoted. “but we’d send them back with the kangaroos in 10 minutes if we could get a panda.”
布朗克斯动物园有个很棒的熊猫舍:“咱们仍然保存着带洒水器和泳池的熊猫房,”文中引证园长威廉·g·康韦(william g. conway)的?怠!叭缃衲歉龇考浔簧炒笳剂耍俣梢缘玫揭恢恍苊ǎ勖强梢栽诜浅V幽诎阉撬突氐酱竽抢铩!?/section>

by march 13, nixon had made his decision: the pandas would live at the national zoo. the conversation then turned to another urgent question:
“the sexual identity of the pandas has been discussed at the highest levels,” robert b. semple jr. wrote in an article on march 14. “while?sunning?himself in key biscayne, fla., john d. ehrlichman, mr. nixon’s top domestic policy adviser, received a call from a zoologist who said he feared that the chinese might send two males or two females.”
“最高层人士曾为熊猫的性别打开谈论,”3月14日,小罗伯特·b·森普尔(robert b. semple jr.)撰文写道,“尼克松的最高国内方针参谋约翰·d·埃利希曼(john d. ehrlichman)在佛罗里达州基比斯坎休假晒太阳时,接到一个动物学家的电话,说他忧虑我国人会送来两只雄性熊猫或两只雌性熊猫。”?
高考 四级 考研
sun【熟词僻义】除了有“太阳”的意思,还可以作动词,尤指为了使肌肤变黑而“晒太阳,假日光浴”to lie or sit somewhere where there is a lot of sun, especially in order to make your skin darker【例句】zuijie sat on the balcony sunning herself.最姐坐在阳台上晒太阳。
they did not. the girl panda, ling-ling, and the boy panda, hsing-hsing, arrived in early april and made their public bow on april 20. in another front page article, nan robertson reported that “the first to pay a call” was “mrs. richard m. nixon, who?giggled?her way through introductions.”
他们并没有这样做。女熊猫玲玲和男熊猫兴兴在4月初抵达美国,并于4月20日初度对大众露脸。在另一篇头版文章里,娜恩·罗伯逊(nan robertson)写道,“第一个去看望熊猫的是理查德·m·尼克松的夫人,整个介绍进程中一向咯咯笑个不断。”?
考研 专8 gre
gig·gle?/?ɡ?ɡl/ (拟声词)
①v.(因感到风趣、困顿或严峻而)咯咯地笑,傻笑to laugh in a silly way because you are amused, embarrassed or nervous【常见分配】giggle at/about sb/sth【例句】zuijie giggled at the joke.最姐给这笑话逗得咯咯笑。
②n.咯咯笑;傻笑?a slight silly repeated laugh【例句】zuijie gave a nervous giggle.最姐宣告严峻的傻笑。
③n.趣事;玩笑;可笑的事(口语表达)a thing that you think is amusing【例句】we only did it for a giggle.咱们做那件事只是开个玩笑而已。
【近义分析】giggle, laugh, chuckle, roar, sneer, beam, jeer, grin都有“笑”的意思,但差异很大:
ms. robertson quoted mrs. nixon as saying: “they give you an extra?dimension?of joy.” the first lady added, “i think everyone would like to cuddle them.”
高考?四级 考研?雅思 托福 专四
di·men·sion/da??men?n/or /d??men?n/n.
①维(构成空间的要素),标准;空间?a measurement of something in a particular direction, especially its height, length or width【例句】we measured the dimensions of the kitchen.咱们测量了厨房的标准。
②规划;程度;规模the size and extent of a situation【比方】 a problem of considerable dimensions一个触及面恰当广的疑问
③方面;旁边面an aspect, or way of looking at or thinking about sth?【例句】there are many dimensions to the problem.这个疑问包括许多方面。?
for her part, “ling-ling lay on her log sofa, daintily nibbling on a piece of honey-bread toast?clutched?in a forepaw.”
六级 考研?雅思 托福 专四 专8
clutch?/?kl?t?/?【熟词僻义】除了有“聚散器”的意思,还可以做动词,指(一般指因惊骇、焦虑或苦楚而)“紧抓,紧握”(clutches; clutched; clutching)to take or try to take hold of something tightly, usually in fear, worry or pain【例句】 i had to clutch the counter to keep from falling.我不得不紧紧抓着货台,以免颠仆。【近义表达】seize, catch, clasp, cling to, embrace, grab, grasp, grip, snatch【最姐说】常常会看到clutch bag,指尤用于正式交际场合的“女用小手提包”
and what about those musk oxen?
“frankly, i just don’t think musk oxen have the sex appeal pandas do,” the national zoo director, theodore reed, was quoted as saying in another page 1 article by ms. robertson. “you like musk oxen, but pandas can steal your heart away.”
“率直地说,我觉得麝牛不如熊猫那么性感,”罗伯逊女士在另一篇头版文章中引证国家动物园园长西奥多·里德(theodore reed)的?怠!澳憧梢韵舶昱#苊ㄈ茨芡底吣愕男摹!?/section>

the article reported that mr. reed had personally?escorted?the musk oxen, milton and matilda, to peking (now beijing), returning with the pandas.
六级 考研 专8
es·cort/?esk??t/ /?esk??rt/n.
①护卫者;护卫队;护卫舰(或车队、飞机)a person or group of people or vehicles that travels with sb/sth in order to protect or guard them【例句】prisoners are taken to court under police escort.罪犯由差人押送带上法庭。
②伴随或人参加交际活动的人(尤指男人)?(formal or old-fashioned) a person, especially a man, who takes sb to a particular social event
③n.受雇伴随或人外出交际的人(在美国尤指妓女,伴游女郎)a person, especially a woman, who is paid to go out socially with sb
es·cort/??sk??t/ /??sk??rt/v.
①护卫;护卫to go with sb to protect or guard them or to show them the way【例句】the president arrived, escorted by twelve soldiers.总统在十二名卫士的护卫下抵达。
②escort sb around sth伴随或人旅行,给或人当导游to go with someone and show them a place【例句】 the company escorts prospective buyers around the property.公司派人伴随有收购意向的买家赏识房产。
③伴随(或人)参加交际活动to go with someone to a social event【例句】zuijie escorted her young sister to the opera.最姐陪她小妹去看歌剧。
【近义分析】conduct, attend, escort, accompany都有“伴随,伴随”的意思,但有所差异:
conduct: 不管用于人或物均指引导带领。
attend: 偏重主从联络,即下级对上级,学生对教师等,或表恭、服侍。
escort: 一般指用车或人在陆上伴随、护卫,其意图是维护或出于礼节。
accompany: 既可指人也可指物。用于人时,偏重联络紧密或一起发生。
“he confirmed that milton was suffering from?postnasal drip, possible depression, a cough and falling hair in the peking zoo. matilda is also reported to be feeling poorly.”

but thanks for the pandas.
postnasal drip(病理学)后鼻滴涕(从鼻腔后部流出的周期性粘液分泌物,一般由伤风或过敏症致使)the chronic secretion of mucus from the posterior nasal cavities, often caused by a cold or an allergy


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