

英语二真题解析(作文part a部分)
an art exhibition and a robot show are to be held on sunday, and your friend david asks you which one he should go to.
write him an email to
1) make a suggestion, and
2) give your reason(s)
you should write about 100 words on the answer sheet.
do not?use your own name. use “li ming” instead. (10 points)

excellent design excellent design
2023年英语二作文part a部分并没有像大多数机构所猜的,考查会议记录或者备忘录等新的题型,相反,这一次的作文题目回归了经典的信件– “建议信”。

从以往考查的频度而言,建议信无论是在考研英语一,还是英语二,都是考察次数最多的信件。英语一从2010年到现在总共考察过5次,英 语二次数也是5次。之所以对于建议信的考查如此看重,是因为建议信是最能够体现考生对于题目解析能力的考试信件。要提出合理的建议,本身需要考生对于诊断问题,细节完善,以及合理建议等一系列环节进行思考和回应,而不是简单地对于题目写下相关的模板。



其次,在第二段,考生所提出的原因应该尽量的完善其细节。写信人既然是朋友,那么他更喜欢哪一个展览?他时间能不能匹配上?哪个活动对于他来说更有 助,这些其实在第二段当中都应该有所呼应。

dear david,
how is everything going with you? i am very delighted to hear from you. in your letter, you mention that you do not know whether you should attend an art exhibition or a robot show, which are both held in your university. in my opinion, the former is the activity that you should not miss.

my reasons are as follows. to begin with, you have been studying the history of art recently and you have a goal of studying in britain as a postgraduate of art. therefore, the art exhibition is definitely a good channel for you to understand what you have been studying. besides, although you have much interest in robot, the time of the robot show, which will be held next m

onday, seems less suitable to you. however, it will be easier for you to visit the art exhibition to be held next sunday.

i hope my suggestions will be useful to you. if you have other questions, please reply to me via email and i am looking forward to your reply.

yours sincerely,
li ming


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