
密? ·? 封? ·? 线? ·? 内? ·? 禁? ·? 止? ·? 答? ·? 题?

41.?teri byrd
i was a zoo and wildlife park employee for years. both the wildlife park and zoo claimed to be operating for the benefit of the animals and for conservation purposes. this claim was false. neither one of them actually participated in any contributions whose bottom line is much more important than the condition of the animals.
animals despise being captives in zoos. no matter how you s past time to eliminate zoos from our culture.
42. karen r. sime
as a zoology professor, i agree with emma marris that zoo displays can be sad and cruel. but she underestimates the educational value of zoos. the zoology program at my university attracts students for whom zoo visits were the crucial formative experience that led them to major in biological sciences. these are mostly students who had no opportunity as children to travel to wilderness areas, wildlife refuges or national parks. although good tv shows can help stir children treatment of animals with their educational potential.
43. greg newberry
emma marriss article is an insult and a disservice to the thousands of passionate who work tirelessly to improve the lives of animals and protect our planet. she uses outdated research and decades-old examples to undermine the noble mission of organization committed to connecting children to a world beyond their own.
zoos are at the forefront of conservation and constantly evolving to improve how they care for animals and protect each species in its natural habitat. are there tragedies? of course. but they are the exception not the norm that ms. marris implies. a distressed animal in a zoo will get as good or better treatment than most of us at our local hospital.
44. dean gallea
as a fellow environmentalist animal-protection advocate and longtime vegetarian. i could properly be in the same camp as emma marris on the issue of zoos. but i believe that well-run zoos and the heroic animals that suffer their captivity so serve a higher purpose. were it not for opportunities to observe these beautiful wild creatures close to home, many more people would be driven by their fascination to travel to wild areas to seek out disturb and even hunt them down.
zoos are in that sense similar to natural history and archeology museums serving to satisfy our need for contact with these living creatures while leaving the vast majority undisturbed in their natural environments.
45. john fraser
emma marris selectively describes and misrepresents the findings of our research. our studies focused on the impact of zoo experiences on how people think about themselves, and nature and the data points extracted from our studies.
zoos are tools for thinking. our research provides strong support for the value of zoos in connecting people with animals and with nature. zoos provide a critical voice for conservation and environmental protection. they afford an opportunity for people from all backgrounds to encounter a range of animals from drone bees to springbok or salmon to better understand the natural world we live in.

密? ·? 封? ·? 线? ·? 内? ·? 禁? ·? 止? ·? 答? ·? 题?
41.???? teri byrd
i was a zoo and wildlife park employee for years. both the wildlife park and zoo claimed to be operating for the benefit of the animals and for conservation purposes. this claim was false. neither one of them actually participated in any contributions whose bottom line is much more important than the condition of the animals.
animals despise being captives in zoos. no matter how you s past time to eliminate zoos from our culture.
42.???? karen r. sime
as a zoology professor, i agree with emma marris that zoo displays can be sad and cruel. but she underestimates the educational value of zoos. the zoology program at my university attracts students for whom zoo visits were the crucial formative experience that led them to major in biological sciences. these are mostly students who had no opportunity as children to travel to wilderness areas, wildlife refuges or national parks. although good tv shows can help stir children treatment of animals with their educational potential.
作为一名动物学教授,我同意艾玛·马里斯(emma marris)的观点,即动物园的展览可能是悲伤和残忍的。但她低估了动物园的教育价值。我所在大学的动物学项目吸引了许多学生,对他们来说,参观动物园是一段至关重要的成长经历,促使他们选择生物科学专业。这些人大多是学生,他们小时候没有机会到荒野地区、野生动物保护区或国家公园旅游。虽然好的电视节目可以 助激发孩子们对保护动物的兴趣,但它们不能取代参观动物园的兴奋感,成为一种紧张、身临之境和互动体验。当然,在动物园对待动物的方式和它们的教育潜力之间必须有一个折衷的平衡点。
43.???? greg newberry
emma marriss article is an insult and a disservice to the thousands of passionate who work tirelessly to improve the lives of animals and protect our planet. she uses outdated research and decades-old examples to undermine the noble mission of organization committed to connecting children to a world beyond their own.
zoos are at the forefront of conservation and constantly evolving to improve how they care for animals and protect each species in its natural habitat. are there tragedies? of course. but they are the exception not the norm that ms. marris implies. a distressed animal in a zoo will get as good or better treatment than most of us at our local hospital.
格雷格 约里贝
44.???? dean gallea
as a fellow environmentalist animal-protection advocate and longtime vegetarian. i could properly be in the same camp as emma marris on the issue of zoos. but i believe that well-run zoos and the heroic animals that suffer their captivity so serve a higher purpose. were it not for opportunities to observe these beautiful wild creatures close to home, many more people would be driven by their fascination to travel to wild areas to seek out disturb and even hunt them down.
zoos are in that sense similar to natural history and archeology museums serving to satisfy our need for contact with these living creatures while leaving the vast majority undisturbed in their natural environments.
迪恩 加莱亚
45.???? john fraser
emma marris selectively describes and misrepresents the findings of our research. our studies focused on the impact of zoo experiences on how people think about themselves, and nature and the data points extracted from our studies.
zoos are tools for thinking. our research provides strong support for the value of zoos in connecting people with animals and with nature. zoos provide a critical voice for conservation and environmental protection. they afford an opportunity for people from all backgrounds to encounter a range of animals from drone bees to springbok or salmon to better understand the natural world we live in.
[a] zoos, which spare no effort to take care of animals, should not be subjected to unfair criticism.
[b] to pressure zoos to spend less on their animals would lead to inhumane outcomes for the precious creatures in their care.
[c] while animals in captivity deserve sympathy, zoos play a significant role in starting young people down the path of related sciences.
[d] zoos save people trips to wilderness areas and thus contribute to wildlife conservation.
[e] for wild animals that cannot be returned to their natural habitat

s, zoos offer the best alternative.
[f] zoos should have been closed down as they prioritize money making over animals’ wellbeing.
[g] marris distorts our findings, which actually prove that zoos serve as an indispensable link?between man and nature.
答案解析: 41. [f] zoos should have been closed down as they prioritize money making over animals’ well-being.
根据41题中第一段的最后“事实上,他们中没有一个人真正为改善动物的生存状况做出任何贡献,这些贡献远比只是把动物圈养起来要重要得多。”表示都他们真正关心的就是金钱利益,并非真正关心动物的生存状况,与f选项的“优先考虑利益超过动物本身。”以及原文中的“动物园也已经从我们的文化中消失了。”和f的“应该关闭动物园”相吻合。 42. [c] while animals in captivity deserve sympathy, zoo play significant role in starting young people sown the path of related sciences.
根据42题中,开头第一句话提到“她低估了动物园的教育价值”表明作者认可动物园的研究价值,c选项提到,动物园在引导年轻人学习相关科学方面起着重要作用,表示认同动物园存在的意义。 43. [a] zoos, which spare no effort to take care of animals, should not be subjected to unfair criticism.
根据43题中,第二段的第一句话“城市动物园走在保护动物的最前沿,并不断进化,以改善它们照顾动物的方式(constantly evolving to improve),并在其自然栖息地保护每一个物种。”在a选项中,认为动物园是扮演着尽力照顾好动物们的角色(spare no effort to take care of animals)。相符,选a。
44. [d] zoos save people trips to wilderness areas and thus contribute to wildlife conservation.
根据44题中,“如果没有机会在家附近观察这些美丽的野生动物,那么更多的人会被它们的魅力所驱使去野生地区寻找这些野生动物,从而干扰甚至猎杀它们。”表明城市动物园方便人们观察动物,而不用去野外打扰野生动物的生活。与d相符。 45. [g] marris distorts our findings which actually prove that zoos serve as an indispensable link between man and nature.
在45题的首句,艾玛·马里斯对我们的研究结果进行了选择性地描述和歪曲。(emma marris selectively describes and misrepresents the findings of our research.)完全与g选项的marris distorts our findings的含义相符。故选g。




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