??上一篇戳→在职考研丨23基础词汇打卡 04?



1.?pose a challenge to 提出挑战

2. change的近义词: shift

3. check on: 检查

4. child的近义词:?kid

5. class: n.阶级

6.?clear: v.通过

7. clou

d: v.破坏

8. come up with 想出

9. company的近义词:corporate

10. composition: n.作品





本期重点词汇1. contribution☆释义:n.贡献;定期缴款☆真题例句:he has made?an important?contribution to?the research.☆提问:例句中的make contribution to是什么意思呢?2. corner☆释义:n.角落;困境☆真题例句:a true cashless society is probably not around the corner.(2013年英语二完形)☆提问:例句中的around the corner是什么意思呢?3. cost☆释义:n.费用;代价 v.花费☆真题例句:privacy protection must be secured at all costs.(2018年英语一text 3)☆提问:例句中的cost是什么意思呢?4. count☆释义:v.计算;重要;认为? n.事项☆真题例句:we humans count on?forests to soak up a good share of the carbon dioxide we produce.(2019年英语二text2)☆提问:例句中的count on是什么意思呢?5. cover☆释义:v.覆盖;包括;支付;报道 n.封面☆真题例句:he was famous for covering?the human side of the war.(2012年英语二完形)☆提问:例句中的cover是什么意思呢?6. crash☆释义:n./v.撞车;碰撞;暴跌☆真题例句:they were impressionable kids during the crash?of 2008.(2020年英语二text4)☆提问:例句中的crash是什么意思呢?7. credit☆释义:n.信用;学分;退税,抵免☆例句:once a discovery claim becomes public, the discoverer receives intellectual credit. (2012年英语一text3)☆提问:例句中credit是什么意思呢?8. crop☆释义:n.作物;收成 v.收获☆真题例句:the flood ruined most of the crops.☆提问:例句中的crop是什么意思呢?9. deal☆释义:v.处理 n.交易;协议;大量☆真题例句:any fair-minded assessment of the dangers of the deal?between britain’s nhs?and deepmind must start by acknowledging that both sides mean well. (2018年英语一text3)☆提问:例句中的deal是什么意思呢?10. decorate☆释义:☆例句:the navy department moved into the east wing in 1879, where elaborate wall and ceiling stenciling and marquetry floors decorated?the office of the secretary. (2018年英语一新题型)☆提问:例句中的decorate是什么意思呢??



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