5. 很多时候,你的句子语法正确、完美,并不代表句子表达流畅自然,用朴实的词汇和句型写出漂亮的作文,这一点至关重要!!!6. 句式的多样性体现在各种从句的正确、合理运用上,而不是你会从句套从句、他会倒装、她会强调。正常人写信都很接地气7. 写中间段时实在凑不出字数了,就in other words / to put it another way 换句话再说一遍8. 书信要有结束语,先考虑i am looking forward to hearing from you / seeing you soon是否合适,然后再考虑前面加句话会不会更好,比如it

would be appreciated if you could… / thanks again from the bottom of my heart / please accept my apologies and thanks for your understanding,还有给陌生人时的 thank you for taking the time to read my email. 一个词都别写错9. 落款写在右下角,陌生人用yours faithfully, 认识人用yours sincerely, 熟人用best wishes,下一行写 li ming10. 时隔7年,要准备下不常见小作文notice,建议考前学一篇范文。比如…由于疫情爆发,请给所有学生写一个通知,通知大家在家远程学习并提供建议。


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