原标题:考研英语阅览 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day2148



考研英语阅览 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day2146

考研英语阅览 | 《经济学人》读译参阅 day2147


text 2148



clinton slats was in chevak’s community hall days after the storm to report his losses to two employees who the village’s tribal council had hired to take reports on the damage.he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to retrieve his boat from the bottom of the ninglikfak river.it’s hard to put into words how much it impacts us.i have no way to go hunt and gather with the remainder of the season now by boat.the storm didn’t just destroy boats and motors.nearly a dozen fishing sheds that held all sorts of gear from rifles to nets, gas cans and rain gear were destroyed.some had completely disappeared from the riverbank.elsewhere across alaska, summer fish camps and hunting cabins were destroyed.and because the storm arrived in alaska before the ground was frozen, coastal erosion was extreme.




and so, of course, it’s much easier to erode material that doesn’t even have any ice in there to help stabilize it even a little, as compared to the same storm, say, now, where things have started to freeze up.that’s rick thoman, a climate specialist at the alaska center for climate assessment and policy at the university of alaska, fairbanks.but the warming oceans contribute to that longer period of time before freeze up gets going. and that again i

s something that is sure to continue into the future.he says conditions this year in the south pacific were ripe for the development of a storm like merbok.historically, the waters in that part of the subtropical pacific are just not warm enough to support typhoon development.




but this year much of the subtropical pacific east of japan is far warmer than normal.some areas are the warmest on record.this storm was rare. alaska hasn’t seen anything like it in 50 years. dozens of rural communities saw infrastructure damage in addition to flooding.many scientists, including thoman, believe the storm, which originated as a typhoon in the northwestern pacific, is a harbinger of what climate change could bring to the northernmost u.s. state in coming years.





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