不晓得对方名字、职位等信息时称号可以用 dear sir or madam, 或to whom it may concern; 晓得对方的身份
或名字时,称号可以用dear mr./mrs. + 姓, 或dear+ 职位,如:dear professor, dear mr. smith, ; 假定是给了解
的人则可以用dear + 名, 如:dear jim/betty.
yours,/yours truly, / yours sincerely, 等
署名:位于结束语下方。考研作文不答应署真名,标题中一般需求签名为“li ming”或”zhang wei”


dear president,
being a senior student in this university, i am writing this letter with the hope of improving the students’physical condition, as a growing number of students are getting much fatter, accordingto the latest survey.

here are some suggestions i would liketo put forward. first of all , greater attention should be attached to the physical condition of college students, and i hope you could play a vital role in spreading such an idea. mean while, more sport apparatus and sport fields may be needed, as more students have enrolled in this great university year by year.

i do hope you can take the above suggestions into consideration and thanks in advance.
yours sincerely,
li ming

dear mr. smith,
on behalf of the student union, i am sending this e-mail to you to invite you to act as our judge of english speechcontest to be held in our university on june 5.

to be more specific, our contest is on the topic of how to embrace tough challenges in this digital era. during thiscompetition, ten participants will deliver their speeches with respect to this topic. it is widely acknowledged that youare a top expert in this field, so we sincerely hope that you canaccept our invitation. for furt

her information, pleasecall me at 9999999.

we are looking forward to your reply and arrival.
yours truly,
zhang wei


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