原文标题:learning over a lifetime


part 1
i ①the world’s rich countries face aloomingchallenge in education: too many of their citizens lack the skills andcredentialsfor the jobs of the future. ②to keep peopleproductivelyengaged inthe coming decades and to ensure that economies maintainrobustgrowth, governments, educators, and employers need to make lasting investments in a new class of students: adults.

ii ①the trouble for now isdemographics. ②although the share of people age 18 to 24 going to college is growing, the population of young adults isshrinkingin the u.s. and europe. ③so collegeenrollmentis largely in decline. ④meanwhile, the population of older workers keeps growing. ⑤by the middle next decade nearly one-quarter of the u. s. workforce will be over 55. ⑥many adults lack the post-high school education and training employers demand.

iii ①a majority of jobs created in the u.s. since 2010 have required workers to havemediumto advanceddigitalskills. ②over the next decade, the percentage of jobs worldwide requiring a college degree or higher will increase, according to a mckinsey global institute analysis.

iv ①as a result efforts are needed to bring adult workers back into the classroom. ② about 17 percent of americans age 25 and older—36 million adults—have some college education but no credential to show for it. ③if all u.s. “near-completers” finished at least anassociate’s degree, incomes would rise by $112 billion, according to the american council on education.

v ①onehurdleis financial aid. ②governmentsubsidiesareoverwhelminglygearedtoward traditional college-age students. ③in the u.s., pell grants, which provide $36.8 billion to low-income students, can’t be used for most of the short-termcertificate-granting programs, including codingboot camps, that older students want.

vi ①government educational grants and loans should be expanded to cover such programs, as abipartisanbill in the u.s. congress would do for pell grants. ②in singapore, the government’s skills futureinitiativeprovides every citizen over 25 a $500creditto enroll in a career-training program, with additional subsidies for those over 40. ③private companies should give their existing employeesincentivesto go back to school while they remain on the job, throughtuitionassistance and opportunities forpromotion.

ⅶ ①colleges should alsoaccommodateworking adults by expanding online classes and giving returning students credits for the skillscultivatedon the job. ②older adultsfarebetter in—and are more likely to graduate from—“accelerated” month long courses than in standard, 18-week semesters.

ⅷ ①most critically, older adults need to besteeredtoward the education that employers want them to have. ②training programsapprenticeshipsthat connect local businesses with students and technical colleges should be expanded.

part 2
1.looming [‘lum??] adj. 迷糊呈现,阴沉地迫临
2.credential [kr??d?n??l] n. 文凭,证书;交际使节递送的文书
3.productively [pr?’d?kt?vl?] adv. 有成果地,有作用地
4.engage in 参加,从事,忙于
5.robust [ro??b?st] adj. 健旺的,健壮的,坚决的
6.demographics [?d?m??ɡr?f?ks] n. (demographic的复数)人员特征,人员计算学
7.shrink [?r??k] v. 缩短,舒展,畏缩
8.enrollment [?n’ro?lm?nt] n. 挂号,注册,入会
9.medium [?midi?m] adj. 中等的,中级的
10.digital [?d?d??tl] adj. 数字的,数据的
11.associate’s degree n. 准学士学位,专科结业证书
12.hurdle [?h?rdl] n. 妨碍,困难
13.subsidy [?s?bs?di] n. 补助,补助,助学金,奖金
14.overwhelming [?o?v?r?welm??] adj. 势不可以挡的,无量的
15.gear [g?r] v. 接上,和谐
16.certificate [s?r?t?f?k?t] n. 证明书,文凭,结业证书
17.boot camp 新兵练习营
18.bipartisan [?ba??pɑrt?zn] adj. 两党的,代表两党的,获得两党撑持的
19.initiative [??n???t?v] adj. 自觉的,主动的,创始的
20.credit [?kr?d?t] n. 告贷;诺言,诺言
21.incentive [?n?s?nt?v] n.动机,诱因,影响,鼓舞
22.tuition [tu???n] n. 学费;教授,教学
23.promotion [pr??mo??n] n. 增进,前进,晋级
24.accommodate [??kɑm?de?t] v. 包容,习气
25.cultivate [?k?lt??vet] v. 栽培,教养,培育
26.fare [fer] v. 发展,遭受
27.accelerate [?k?s?l??ret] v. 加速,加速,推进
28.steer [st?r] v. 假使,操作,控制,引导

prenticeship [??pr?nt?s??p] n. 学徒身份,学徒期
part 3
i ①the world’s rich countries face aloomingchallenge in education: too many of their citizens lack the skills andcredentialsfor the jobs of the future. ②to keep peopleproductivelyengaged inthe coming decades and to ensure that economies maintainrobustgrowth, governments, educators, and employers need to make lasting investments in a new class of students: adults.

ii ①the trouble for now isdemographics. ②although the share of people age 18 to 24 going to college is growing, the population of young adults isshrinkingin the u.s. and europe. ③so collegeenrollmentis largely in decline. ④meanwhile, the population of older workers keeps growing. ⑤by the middle next decade nearly one-quarter of the u. s. workforce will be over 55. ⑥many adults lack the post-high school education and training employers demand.

iii ①a majority of jobs created in the u.s. since 2010 have required workers to havemediumto advanceddigitalskills. ②over the next decade, the percentage of jobs worldwide requiring a college degree or higher will increase, according to a mckinsey global institute analysis.

iv ①as a result efforts are needed to bring adult workers back into the classroom. ② about 17 percent of americans age 25 and older—36 million adults—have some college education but no credential to show for it. ③if all u.s. “near-completers” finished at least anassociate’s degree, incomes would rise by $112 billion, according to the american council on education.
点评:第四段以列数据方法阐明成人教育的重要性。①句以 as a result(因而)为标志,结束上述期间对疑问的分析,引出处置办法——将成年人带回教室。②句阐明美国劳作者的教育现状——承受过大学教育却无法证明,③句以if 条件句来做出假定,阐明处置劳作者教育缺失疑问的必要性——收入将添加1120亿美元。

v ①onehurdleis financial aid. ②governmentsubsidiesareoverwhelminglygearedtoward traditional college-age students. ③in the u.s., pell grants, which provide $36.8 billion to low-income students, can’t be used for most of the short-termcertificate-granting programs, including codingboot camps, that older students want.
点评:具体阐明处置疑问存在的阻止。①句归纳指出前进成年人教育水平的妨碍是经济协助缺失,②③句阐明其具体体现。②句以国家助学金的捆绑性来阐明成年人承受教育无法获得经济协助,③句则以美国闻名的佩尔助学金的项目捆绑(pell grant)为例进一步作出具体说明。

vi ①government educational grants and loans should be expanded to cover such programs, as abipartisanbill in the u.s. congress would do for pell grants. ②in singapore, the government’s skills futureinitiativeprovides every citizen over 25 a $500creditto enroll in a career-training program, with additional subsidies for those over 40. ③private companies should give their existing employeesincentivesto go back to school while they remain on the job, throughtuitionassistance and opportunities forpromotion.
点评:具体论说为处置经济协助疑问政府和公司应做的尽力。①②句主体为政府,③句主体为公司。①句指出政府应将资金规模扩展,掩盖成年人教育项目,②句则举例介绍了新加坡政府的“技能将来方案”(skills future)对成年人教育的资金补助。③句进一步阐明公司应采纳办法鼓舞职工再次承受教育。

ⅶ ①colleges should alsoaccommodateworking adults by expanding online classes and giving returning students credits for the skillscultivatedon the job. ②older adultsfarebetter in—and are more likely to graduate from—“accelerated” month long courses than in standard, 18-week semesters.

ⅷ ①most critically, older adults need to besteeredtoward the education that employers want them to have. ②training programsapprenticeshipsthat connect local businesses with students and technical colleges should be expanded.





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