原文标题:big data won’t build a better robot
ai技能本身 —— 即机器学习及其子集,深度学习 —— 有许多捆绑性,仍然需要恰当大的尽力战胜。
③ai体系的可说明性。跟着深度学习的成功和选用而不断打开,深度学习带来了更多样化和 的使用程序以及更不通明。更大更凌乱的模型使我们很难从人的视点说明为啥达到氖亟隈择(甚至在实时抵达时更难)。
这篇文章选自《彭博社》2021年4月23日注销的一篇文章,原英文标题为big data won’t build a better robot。这篇文章是一篇“观念驳斥型”文章,文章对“核算机可以使科学发现主动化”这一观念进行驳斥,指出机器和人类协作作用最佳,并提出主张,应将技能打开的要点放在将人工智能和人类联系的创造性打开上。


part 1
ⅰartificial intelligence is going toboosthumanproductivityin a thousand ways,transformingeverything from transportation to health?care to agriculture.some enthusiastic computer scientists even think we will find a “master algorithm” that willfixour politics and make lives “longer, happier and more productive.” in thegrandestof thesevisions,smartcomputingmachines could automate all of scientific discovery.

ⅱbut many scientists think such promises areoverblown, naively creating false confidence in highlyfallibletechnologies. mathematics alone sets some limits on the potential usefulness of artificial intelligence. for example, physicists hykel hosni and angelo vulpiani explored the ability of computers usingmassamounts of data to improve predictions in fields such as finance, medicine, cybersecurity or even politics. the trouble, they argue, is that almost any real-world application of ai will involve a huge number ofvariables. accurately predicting the future of any such system will requireastronomicalamounts of data, far beyond what isremotelypossible to gather. the more complex the system — and that’s just where we think ai might help — the worse it gets.

ⅲthis doesn’t mean that ai won’t improve predictions, just that it won’t do so without the human factor. improved forecasts will require new conceptualinsightsas well as more data. such has been the case for weather predictions: scientists learned years ago that using more data in making forecasts often leads to less accuracy. accurate predictions today require theintentional disregardof lots of data that reflectatmosphericevents that don’t actually affect weather.

ⅳresearchers have learnedmuch the samefor biology and medicine. “big data,” as one group puts it, “needs big theory too.” in financeas well,sophisticatedusers of ai find that they get the best results bypairingmachine learning with experienced humans.

ⅴperhaps machines won’t replace humans quite asbroadlyas many fear. ai is getting better at doing what humans can do. but humans working alongside ai will be able to do what neither humans nor ai can achieve alone.

ⅵthis is crucial, as economists daron acemoglu and pascual restrepo recently noted, because we can choose how

to develop ai for the future. most tech companies and businesses have been focusing on replacing people with ai with a narrow eye toward boosting short-term profits. we could choose to focus technology instead on creating new tasks for which humans will be asindispensableas ever. right now, they suggest, we’re developing the wrong kinds of ai. unless we change that, we won’t see new kinds of jobs, and can expect a future much like the last few decades, withstagnatingproductivity and labor demand.

part 2
1. boost [bu:st] v. 使增加;使兴隆
2. productivity [?pr?d?k?t?v?ti] n. 出产力;出产率
3. transform [tr?ns?f?:m] v. 改进;使改观
4.fix [f?ks] v. 处置,处置(疑问等)
5. grand [gr?nd] adj. 庞大的;雄伟的
6. vision [?v??n] n. 愿望;展望
7. computing [k?m?pju:t??] n. 核算;信息处置技能
8. *overblown [???v??bl??n] adj. 夸大的;过火的
9.*fallible [?f?l?bl] adj. 会犯错的
10. mass [m?s] adj. 大批的;数量极多的
11.variable [?ve?ri?bl] n. 可变要素,变量
12.astronomical [??str??n?m?kl] adj. (数量、价格等)极端无量的
13.remotely [r??m??tli] adv. 长远地
14. insight [??nsa?t] n. 调查;深化见地
15. intentional [?n?ten??nl] adj. 成心的;有意的
16. disregard [?d?sr??gɑ:d] n. 不睬睬;无视
17. atmospheric [??tm?s?fer?k] adj. 大气的;空气的
18.much the same 几乎相同
19. as well 也;还
20. sophisticated [s??f?st?ke?t?d] adj. 水平高的;熟行的
21. pair [pe?(r)] v. 配对;使配成火伴
22. broadly [?br?:dli] adv. 多方面地;全部地
23.indispensable [??nd??spens?bl] adj. 必不可以少的
24.*stagnate [st?g?ne?t] v. 阻滞;不打开

part 3
本句主语为artificial intelligence,谓语为is going to boost(be going to do sth标明“某事即将发生”),宾语为human productivity。in a thousand ways为方法状语,thousand此处为泛指,标明方法之多,译为“许多种”。transforming…agriculture为如今分词短语做成果状语,标明主句内容发生的成果;from…to…to…意为“从……到……到……”,此处为后置定语,举例阐明everything。

part 3
in thegrandestof thesevisions, …………

原文例句:in the grandest of these visions, smart computing machines could automate all of scientific discovery.最庞大的展望之一是,智能核算机器能使一切科学发现主动化。

xx alone sets some limits on the potential usefulness of yy

原文例句:mathematics alone sets some limits on the potential usefulness of artificial intelligence.单单运算才能就捆绑了人工智能的潜在可用性。

this doesn’t mean that xx, just that it won’t do so without yy.

原文例句:this doesn’t mean that ai won’t improve predictions, just that it won’t do so without the human factor.这并不料味着人工智能不能改进猜测,只不过在这一疑问上人类的参加必不可以少.







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