原文标题:schumpeter: diversity fatigue
i ①ronald reagon once said that “the nine most terrifying words in the english language are, ‘i’m from the government and i’m here to help’.” ②today they are run a close second by 12 words: “i’m from human resources and i’m here to organise a diversity workshop.” ③most people pay lip service to diversity in public. ④but what they think in private can be very different. ⑤some hr consultants have even started to worry about “diversity fatigue”.

ii ①in his new book “driven by difference: how great companies fuel innovation through diversity”, david livermore says that one reason for this is that talk of diversity often comes accompanied with a faint air of menace. ②managers are dragooned into sitting through lengthy seminars on equal opportunities. ③they are fearful of saying anything that departs from the “correct” line on any diversity-related matter. ④and they feel under pressure to hit their recruitment quotas. ⑤the more important reason, however, is that proponents of diversity often fail to acknowledge that there can be a trade-off: to get the benefits, employers must be prepared for, and deal with, some problems. ⑥diversity does not produce better results automatically, through a sort of multicultural magic. ⑦it does so only if it is managed well.

iii ①the biggest challenge is to do with trust. ②employees need to trust each other if they are to produce their best work. ③this is particularly true if that work involves tackling creative projects that have a high risk of failure and a circuitous path to success. ④but it is easier to establish trust with those you have a lot in common with.

iv ①a second challenge is to do with culture. ②too many companies fail to rethink their management styles as they open their doors to new groups. ③they issue ambiguous instructions which presume that everyone comes from the same background. ④for example, one western company urged its employees to “act like an owner” without realising that, in some cultures, acting like an owner means playing golf all day.

v ①your columnist would add a third challenge: distinguishing between genuine cultural diversity and the box-ticking sort. ②it is easy for companies to think that they have embraced diversity if they appoint the right number of people with the right biological characteristics. ③that can be hollow if they all come from the same backgrounds—if, say, all the black people a firm promotes to management are harvard-educated sons of diplomats.

vi ①the growing diversity of the workforce should be a cause for celebration. ②getting rid of discrimination against minorities represents a triumph for natural justice as well as a chance to make society as a whole stronger. ③but the celebration needs to be mixed with hard work and clear thinking.

1.pay lip service to 耍嘴皮子,口头撑持
2.fatigue [f?’ti?g] n. 疲倦
3.menace [‘men?s] n. 挟制;威吓
4.*dragoon [dr?’gu?n] v. 强行;以武力虐待
5.seminar [‘sem?nɑ?] n. 谈论会,研讨班
6.recruitment [r?’kru?tm(?)nt] n. 招募,招聘
7.quota [‘kw??t?] n. 配额;定额;限额
8.trade-off [‘treid?f] n. 让步; 交流
9.tackle [‘t?k(?)l] v. 处置
10.cirtuitous [s??’kju??t?s] a. 迂曲的;绕行的
11.ambiguous [?m’b?gj??s] a. 迷糊不清的;致使歧义的
12.columnist [‘k?l?m(n)?st] n. 专栏作家
13.genuine [‘d?enj??n] a. 真实的,真实的
14.box-ticking n. 走过场
15.hollow [‘h?

l??] a. 空泛的; 没有价值的


i ①ronald reagon once said that “the nine most terrifying words in the english language are, ‘i’m from the government and i’m here to help’.” ②today they are run a close second by 12 words: “i’m from human resources and i’m here to organise a diversity workshop.” ③most people pay lip service to diversity in public. ④but what they think in private can be very different. ⑤some hr consultants have even started to worry about “diversity fatigue”.
点评:这篇文章可分为四大有些,第一有些为第一段引入全文谈论论题;第二有些为第二段,介绍多样化疲倦的来由;第三有些为第三至五段,罗列公司在职工部队多样化进程中面临的三大应战;第四有些即第六段,总结全文,阐明多样化发扬作用的条件。第一段借里根讲话引入论题:多样化疲倦。①②句由美国总统里根讲话类推人力本钱讲话,将公司职工多样化与政府类推,阐明多样化存在疑问。①句以里根讲话开篇,介绍崇奉新安适主义的里根关于政府作用的否定。里根用most terrifying润饰政府试图发扬作用的试图,杰出标明其对政府的极点不信赖,语带诙谐讥讽,招引读者留心。②句仿照里根讲话造句,阐明多样化作业小组现已替代了政府的方位,夸大阐明多样化的负面形象。其间a close second阐明多样化尽管跨越政府,但二者间隔不大。“diversity workshop”引出文章论题,其间diversity,意为“the diversity of something is the fact that it contains many very different elements”,多样性,多样化,润饰workshop阐明职工构成呈种族、性别等多样化特征。两句中once said和today…are标明今昔比照,偏重如今多样化的打开现状。③④⑤句进一步说明公司职工关于多样化的情绪,并指出中心疑问:多样化疲倦。③④句比照职工在揭露场合(in public)和私下(in private)关于多样化的不一样情绪,凸显多样化的疑问。其间most people阐明这一疑问的广泛性,pay lip service意为口惠而实不至,标明多样化沦为一种口头功夫。⑤句则进一步(even)指出一些人力本钱参谋的担忧:多样化疲倦。“fatigue”,意为“you can say that people are suffering from a particular kind of fatigue when they have been doing something for a long time and feel they can no longer continue to do it”疲倦,暗示过火宣传多样化致使我们对其发生厌烦甚至厌厌烦理。

ii ①in his new book “driven by difference: how great companies fuel innovation through diversity”, david livermore says that one reason for this is that talk of diversity often comes accompanied with a faint air of menace. ②managers are dragooned into sitting through lengthy seminars on equal opportunities. ③they are fearful of saying anything that departs from the “correct” line on any diversity-related matter. ④and they feel under pressure to hit their recruitment quotas. ⑤the more important reason, however, is that proponents of diversity often fail to acknowledge that there can be a trade-off: to get the benefits, employers must be prepared for, and deal with, some problems. ⑥diversity does not produce better results automatically, through a sort of multicultural magic. ⑦it does so only if it is managed well.

点评:第二段阐明发生多样化疲倦的缘由。①至④句引证别人观念阐明缘由之一;⑤⑥⑦句阐明缘由之二。两个句群由one reason和the more important reason联接。①句总起阐明缘由之一:多样化带有一些钳制的意味。②③④句具体阐明钳制意味:不只需开会,说话留心翼翼,而且还要招聘名额合格的压力。三句managers,they,they构成句群内部联接;dragoon,sit through,lengthy,fearful,under pressure等词一起阐明打点人员被逼参加缔造多样化职工部队的景象;③句“correct”引号标示标明作者关于这种政治正确的否定情绪。⑤⑥⑦句进而指出更为重要的缘由,however表转机意味,偏重以下所述内容为作者重视的要点:多样化有价值。⑤句some problems预示下文会对这些疑问进行分析。⑥⑦句继⑤句多样化的疑问指出多样化发扬作用的必要条件(only if):公司好好打点。

iii ①the biggest challenge is to do with trust. ②employees need to trust each other if they are to produce their best work. ③this is particularly true if that work involves tackling creative projects that have a high risk of failure and a circuitous path to success. ④but it is easier to establish trust with those you have a lot in common with.


iv ①a second challenge is to do with culture. ②too many companies fail to rethink their management styles as they open their doors to new groups. ③they issue ambiguous instructions which presume that everyone comes from the same background. ④for example, one western company urged its employees to “act like an owner” without realising that, in some cultures, acting like an owner means playing golf all day.

点评:第四段介绍第二大应战:文明差异。①句为期间主旨句,点明本段论说中心为多样化进程中的文明差异。②③④句具体阐明这一疑问。②句指出许多公司面临不一样文明布景的职工未能调整打点个性,其间too many偏重了这种疑问的广泛性。③句介绍这些公司发布的指令迷糊不清,且根据一个条件:一切人来自相同的文明布景。④句以西方公司的具体指令在某些文明下发生歧义为例子明③句。

v ①your columnist would add a third challenge: distinguishing between genuine cultural diversity and the box-ticking sort. ②it is easy for companies to think that they have embraced diversity if they appoint the right number of people with the right biological characteristics. ③that can be hollow if they all come from the same backgrounds—if, say, all the black people a firm promotes to management are harvard-educated sons of diplomats.

点评:第五段介绍第三大应战,也即作者的观念:要将真实的文明多样性和走过场的方法差异开来。①句为期间主旨句,总括本段内容。②③句说明阐明①句。②句it is easy标明公司寻求职工部队多样化的进程中简略呈现的倾向:机械依照肤色、种族、性别等生理特征招聘职工。③句以特例阐明方法上的多样化徒有其表,不会发扬作用。

vi ①the growing diversity of the workforce should be a cause for celebration. ②getting rid of discrimination against minorities represents a triumph for natural justice as well as a chance to make society as a whole stronger. ③but the celebration needs to be mixed with hard work and clear thinking.

点评:第六段总结作者观念:多样化当然值得撑持,但还需联系真实的尽力和清醒的知道才干使其发扬作用。①②句必定职工构成日益多样化的打开现状,并指出缘由。①句should be标明作者的情绪。②句阐明作者持有这种情绪的缘由。getting rid of discrimination against minorities动名词作主语,回指①句the growing diversity,阐明多样化直接成果就是削减甚至消除对少量族群的轻视,接着进一步阐明其活泼影响:既是天然正义的成功,又有利于整个社会变成一个愈加健壮的全体。③句转而(but)指 挥多样化的作用的其他必要条件。其间needs to be标明必要性。







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