
万学 马晓莉



suppose you are working for the “aiding rural primary schools” project of your university. write an email to answer the inquiring from an international student volunteer. specify the details of the project.

you should write about 100 words on the answer sheet.

do not use your own name in the e-mail. use “li ming” instead. (10 points.)

一. 审题

需求考生作为一个“协助村庄学校项目”的成员之一,给一个来征询该项意图世界学生自愿者写一封回信。具体阐明这个项意图细节。根据标题中给出的信息断定写信目标是给一个世界留学生(an international student volunteer)写一封回信,写信的意图是介绍阐明这个项意图细节(specify the details of the project)。这是一个需求写一封征询信的回信,可是征询的具体内容又没有告诉你。所以许多考生觉得不晓得从何下手。

二. 谋篇规划


三. 材料套用成文

在写的进程中,完全可以套用 教师在冲刺课上给我们贮藏的小作文必备材料句中找打了解的表达和句型来使用。例如,这种回信类型的文章,最初第一段就可以写i am exceedingly delighted to receive your letter in which you inquired something about the “aiding rural primary schools”. i, as a member of the project, am writing you this letter for the purpose of informing you some of the necessary information about the project.第二段首要介绍项意图必要细节,那么咱们根据冲刺课和强化课多次偏重过的活动组织的视点来写。写此项意图主题,此项意图活动细节组织,例如:first and foremost, the theme of the project is to help those rural primary schools in remote areas by arranging some activities, such as sending various kinds of books about diff

erent aspects to those lovely students, which can not only broaden their horizon and enrich their life, but also cultivate their ability of thinking and learning independently and critically.此外,已然这个世界学生是想当自愿者,那么咱们可以提自愿者的具体需求,用课堂上多次用到的人物介绍:the volunteers should have the character of diligence, coupled with an optimistic and pleasant personality, which will assure them of positive attitude when facing some setbacks during the process of these activities.第三段在写的时分,因为是别人向你征询,所以你的回复可以没有满足他的需要,所以用告诉类的结束模板:if you have any question about this project, please contact me without any hesitation at aidingruralprimaryschools@edu.cn.

总之,本年的使用文在方法坚持与历年共同的情况下,难度略有前进。可是只需我们把 冲刺和强化课上讲到的人物,事物,活动三个视点的材料了解背诵并能熟练运用,那么必定可以在很短的时刻内产出一篇高质量的作文,最终提前祝各位准研讨生们蟾宫折桂。回来搜狐,查看更多



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