

原文标题:america should get rid of oppressive job licensing
这篇文章选自the economist《经济学人》2021年2月17日一篇题为america should get rid of oppressive job licensing(作业证照准则在阻止竞赛)的文章。


首要亮点:① 论题紧贴社会日子、具有广泛意义;②开篇结束都很有特征:开篇由“相反观念”引入“作者观念”;结束援引经济学家friedman言语诙谐偏重作业证照维护的不是花费者而是各作业;③规划清楚:引出论题(第一、二段)→ 打开驳斥(第三、四段)→ 提出主张(第五、六段)→ 重申观念,结束全篇(第七段)

原 文
ⅰsome rush to blame free markets for america’s income inequality and its lack of social mobility. among rich western countries, america is where the top 1% of earners have become most detached from their countryfolk. yet those who blame this on unchecked competition or globalism run wild ignore an awkward fact. far from being laissez-faire, america’s labour markets are over-regulated by state governments.

ⅱfully 22% of american workers must hold licences simply to do their jobs, up from just 5% in 1950. licences make it harder to enter a profession. not everyone can afford to pay a registration fee or take time to study for an exam before being allowed to do a certain job. the beneficiaries from such barriers to entry are incumbent workers, whose wages rise when competition is chilled.

ⅲlicensing rules are enacted in the name of consumer protection. but tasks like issuing some prescriptions or drafting routine legal documents rarely require years of expensive postgraduate education. they may even be done better by a specialist who has fewer formal qualifications. the evidence from states where highly trained nurses can operate freely suggests that they provide just as good primary care as doctors do. yet more than half of states restrict their practice, often requiring them to operate under supervision from doctors, who, naturally, charge a huge fee for the privilege.

ⅳsome labour-market regulation makes sense. when buyers cannot easily judge quality, the state may need to step in. but there are pitfalls. because lawmakers also lack the expertise to judge who can safely perform, say, a dental procedure, they often ask professions to regulate themselves. inevitably, state bar associations charged with deciding what tasks should count as “practising law” tend to shut out non-lawyers.

ⅴthere are better ways to help consumers. the government can issue qualifications and titles, but leave consumers to decide whether such diplomas are a valuable signal of quality. or the government can use inspections instead of licences. inspections can tie in with credentials, as when restaurants receive health-and-safety certificates to display to customers.

ⅵmarket forces are often best of all, in spite of information asymmetries. brain surgery may be complex, but it is unlicensed, beyond the need for surgeons to have medical degrees. people tend to make better choices for themselves than governments, more so in a world of online reviews and price-comparison websites. the state should favour the flow of information by requiring transparent contracts. if buyers are exploited, they should have recourse through the courts.

ⅶmilton friedman said that you can tell who benefits from licensing by watching who lobbies for it—and rarely is that consumers. letting professions wield the power of government against potential competitors is foolish and costly. when licensing is inevitable, regulators should aim to promote competition as well as protect consumers. licensing running wild not only poisons markets, it also poisons sentiment towards markets that fail.

1.detached from 与…别离/脱离的
2.beneficiary [?ben??f???r?]n. 获益者
3.prescription [pr??skr?p??n]n. 药房,处方
4.supervision [?su?p??v???n]n. 打点,监督
5.privilege [?pr?v?l?d?]n. 特权;特别待遇;侥幸
6.expertise [?eksp???ti?z] n. 专门常识(或技能等),特长
7.inevitably [??nev?t?bl?]ad. 不可以避免地,必定发生地
8.inspection [?n?spek??n]n. 调查,查看
9.tie in with与…协作/联系;与…共同
10.credentials [kr??den??lz]n. 证明文件;资历
11.asymmetry [e??s?m?tri]n. 不对称;不相等
12.recourse [r??k??s] n. (完成或处置某事的)途径;求助
13.lobby [?l?b?]v. 游说(政府或有政治权力的人)
14*.laissez-faire [?lese? ?fe?]n. (国家不捆绑私营公司打开的)安适听任主义
15*.incumbent [?n?k?mb?nt]a. 现任的,在职的
16*.pitfall [?p?tf??l ]n. 疑问,风险,圈套

ⅰsome rush to blame free markets for america’s income inequality and its lack of social mobility. among rich western countries, america is where the top 1% of earners have become most detached from their countryfolk. yet those who blame this on unchecked competition or globalism run wild ignore an awkward fact. far from being laissez-faire, america’s labour markets are over-regulated by state governments.
【点评】:i 引子:指出美国收入不对等疑问和其劳作力商场监管过度有关。首要引入一种观念:美国收入不对等疑问是安适商场所造成的。随后让步必定美国贫富分戒严峻。最终亮明作者情绪:疑问不在“安适商场”,而在“州政府对劳作力商场的过度监管”。

首要逻辑联接:①首句some rush to引出“有些人”观念。rush to(急于,匆促)带贬义,暗示后文驳斥。②第二句援引数据,必定实际“美国财富不均”。③后两句以yet转机,清楚作者不一样观念。those who…回答首句观念;ignore…标明作者对其争辩反驳;末句清楚an awkward fact所指。中心要害词:labour markets are over-regulated(劳作力商场被过度控制)。

ⅱfully 22% of american workers must hold licences simply to do their jobs, up from just 5% in 1950. licences make it harder to enter a profession. not everyone can afford to pay a registration fee or take time to study for an exam before being allowed to do a certain job. the beneficiaries from such barriers to entry are incumbent workers, whose wages rise when competition is chilled.
【点评】:ii 清楚“监管过度”所指——严苛的作业证照准则,并简述其负面影响。首要指出证照准则过于严苛。随后论说其负面影响。

首要逻辑联接:①首句借今昔数据比照(证照需求前进)、神态动词(must)以及偏重副词(fully、simply),印证上段末“政府监管过度”。②第二、三句指出加大入行难度,两句间为说明阐明联络。第四句进一步提示疑问:加剧收入不均(外人入行难vs. 现有行内助员薪资上涨),其间such barriers to entry概指第二、三句。中心要害词:①licenses(证照);①barriers(妨碍)

ⅲlicensing rules are enacted in the name of consumer protection. but tasks like issuing some prescriptions or drafting routine legal documents rarely require years of expensive postgraduate education. they may even be done better by a specialist who has fewer formal qualifications. the evidence from states where highly trained nurses can operate freely suggests that they provide just as good primary care as doctors do. yet more than half of states restrict their practice, often requiring them to operate under supervision from doctors, who, naturally, charge a huge fee for the privilege.
【点评】:iii 打开驳斥:指出证照准则不只未能维护花费者,反而会加剧其担负。首要阐明执照规则打的是“维护花费者”(前进各作业效能质量)的名义。这今后以“医疗业景象”为例指出证照规则并未起到这一作用。

首要逻辑联接:①期间以but一分为二,构成“介绍—驳斥”规划。②第二、三句以they may even be done better(they =tasks like…)构成递进、初步进行争辩反驳:有些初级医疗作业不需要研讨生教育(指医生),受过高度练习的护士甚至可以结束非常好。③第四、五句以yet构成转机,进一步凸显疑问:清楚有些州的景象标明护士可以自立结束初级医治,而许多州却强行需求他们在医生监管下结束,且医生会为此特权收取高昂费用(即:反而添加了花费者经济担负)。the privilege替代上句“监管护士作业”。中心要害词:in the name of consumer protection(打着维护花费者的名义)。

ⅳsome labour-market regulation makes sense. when buyers cannot easily judge quality, the state may

need to step in. but there are pitfalls. because lawmakers also lack the expertise to judge who can safely perform, say, a dental procedure, they often ask professions to regulate themselves. inevitably, state bar associations charged with deciding what tasks should count as “practising law” tend to shut out non-lawyers.
【点评】:iv 持续驳斥:指出该准则促进“作业维护”(降低了社会活动性,加剧收入不均)。首要招认恰当监管可取。随后转而指出“监管存在风险”。最终具体阐明。

首要逻辑联接:①首两句构成“概述观念—详释观念”的逻辑,step in=regulate。②第三句以but转而指出监管存在风险(pitfalls),第四、五句具体阐明风险。inevitably…体现因果逻辑:立法者们需求各作业自行监管,这天然会使得各作业将别人拒之门外。中心要害词:①pitfalls(误区)。

ⅴthere are better ways to help consumers. the government can issue qualifications and titles, but leave consumers to decide whether such diplomas are a valuable signal of quality. or the government can use inspections instead of licences. inspections can tie in with credentials, as when restaurants receive health-and-safety certificates to display to customers.
【点评】:v 提出主张:如何才干比现行证照准则非常好地维护花费者利益?首要总说“协助花费者有非常好的方法”。随后分说两种可行方案。

首要逻辑联接:①第二句和第三、四句以or 联接,阐明两种可行方案,然后说明首句(better ways)。②第二句阐明方案1:让花费者/商场抉择执照价值(是不是质量的有用标识)。③第三、四句阐明方案2:“查看” 替代证照准则,并与“认证”联系(inspections…tie in with credentials)。中心要害词:better ways to help consumers(协助花费者还有非常好的方案)。

ⅵmarket forces are often best of all, in spite of information asymmetries. brain surgery may be complex, but it is unlicensed, beyond the need for surgeons to have medical degrees. people tend to make better choices for themselves than governments, more so in a world of online reviews and price-comparison websites. the state should favour the flow of information by requiring transparent contracts. if buyers are exploited, they should have recourse through the courts.
【点评】:vi 指出“维护花费者利益”的最佳力气——商场力气。首要提出凭仗商场力气是最佳方法,只是“信息不对称”疑问简略阻止商场机制正常发扬作用。随后举例阐明商场力气的作用。最终提出“信息不对称”疑问的处置办法。

首要逻辑联接:①首句经过best of all顺承上段“可行方案”,引出“最佳方百铮②第二、三句说明首句market forces are often best of all,其间第二句举例验证:无需证照准则,商场力气可促进“能者居衫淠第三句偏重花费者(即商场力气)比政府可以做出非常好的选择。③第四、五句回答首句information asymmetries,提出政府应处置 “信息不对称”疑问。中心要害词:market forces are often best of all(商场力气一般是最佳方法)。

ⅶmilton friedman said that you can tell who benefits from licensing by watching who lobbies for it—and rarely is that consumers. letting professions wield the power of government against potential competitors is foolish and costly. when licensing is inevitable, regulators should aim to promote competition as well as protect consumers. licensing running wild not only poisons markets, it also poisons sentiment towards markets that fail.
【点评】:vii 重申观念,结束全篇。首要援引闻名经济学家friedman言语偏重证照获益方并不是花费者。这今后重申对监管者的主张。最终提出警告:有必要对证照准则加以管控。

首要逻辑联接:①首句benefits from licensing和rarely is that consumers照顾第三段“执照规则无法维护花费者权益”及第二段“证照获益者是业界人员”,总括文旨。②第二句回答第四段“监管风险”,并以激烈贬义词foolish和costly明示作者情绪。③第三句则简括第五、六段主张,清楚作者观念。③末句经过并排规划和poison重复偏重:“不加管控的证照准则”将引起负面成果,呼吁监管者马上采纳办法。中心要害词:should aim to(应尽力于)。



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