原标题:郑州 首发:2021年考研英语翻译解析来袭!

【摘要】郑州 首发!来自国内部冯基雨教师的考研英语一、英语二翻译解析来咯!2021年考研英语翻译解析来袭!


(46)by the date of his birth europe was witnessing the passing of the religious drama, and the creation of new forms under the incentive of classical tragedy and comedy.

[标题考点] 并排规划

[要点词汇] by the date of … 截止到…之时 incentive 影响 witness 见证 religious宗教的 drama戏曲

[语句规划]第46题全体语句规划并不凌乱,是一个由and联接的并排句。骨干别离为:…europe was witnessing the passing … and the creation …;句中呈现了4个the a of b规划,依照之前课上讲的,翻译成b的a即可,under the incentive of classical tragedy and comedy 介词短语,翻译的时分不能顺译,调序到后半句句首。留心by the date of 意思是截止到…时分,不要翻译成“在他出世之后”,


(47) no boy who went to a grammar school could be ignorant that the drama was a form of literature which gave glory to greece and rome and might yet bring honor to england.


[语句规划]主句骨干:no boy could be ignorant that the drama was a form of literature。who引导的定从润饰boy,调到boy前翻译, 跟在描述词后的从句为宾从,所以ignorant后为宾语从句,顺译即可,which引导的定语从句润饰a form of literature, gave glory…and might bring honor…为定从里的并排规划,整个定从过长,可以采纳一分为二的译法。另外这个语句boy 最佳不要硬翻成男孩,可以引申为学生,no boy…ignorant 没有学生不理解,可以正译为“任何学生都理解”。

[要点词汇]grammar school 文法学校 ignorant无视 literature文学 glory 光彩


(48) but the professional companies prospered in their permanent theaters, and university men with literary ambitions were quick to turn to these theaters as offering a means of livelihood。


[语句规划]并排句骨干别离为:…companies prospered … and university men …were quick to…,“in their permanent theaters”介词短语,调序至动词前,“with literary ambitions” 位于主谓之间,起描述词作用描述men,翻译到men之前,turn to 转向/投身. 在翻译的时分切勿机械的字对字翻译,必定思考语句是不是通畅,如最终半句,若译为“作为供给一种生计的办法”则不通畅,可以意译为“以此坚持生计”。

[要点词汇]professional 专业的 prosper昌盛 permanent theater耐久性剧院

livelihood 生计


(49) a native literary drama had been created, its alliance with the public playhouses established, and at least some of its great traditions had been begun。


[语句规划]本句是一个由and联接的并排句。and前的语句骨干为一个被逼语态的简略句:a … drama had been created,its alliance with the public playhouses established 为刺进语; and后的语句也为一个被逼语态的简略句:some of its great traditions had been begun。

[要点词汇]alliance作为名词意为“联盟,联合;联婚”,常与介词with进行分配运用。playhouse剧院;establish作为动词意为“树立,兴办”,也可引申为“诞生”。at least为固定分配,标明“至少”。tradition作为名词标明“传统,常规”。


(50) to realize how great was the dramatic activity, we must remember further that hosts of plays have been lost, and that probably there is no author of note whose entire work has survived。


[语句规划]本句规划较为凌乱,主句有些为“we must remember that…and that”,两个that别离引导了两个remember的宾语从句,其间第二个宾语从句中,有一个whose引导的定语从句,润饰author of note。

[要点词汇]realize作为动词标明“完成,晓得,知道到”。dramatic为drama的描述词方法,意思为“戏曲的,引人凝视的,激悦耳心的”。survive作为动词标明“幸存,活下来;比…活得长”。hosts of标明“许多的”。



a fifth grader gets a homework assignment to select his future career path from a list of occupations. he ticks “astronaut” but quickly adds “scientist” to the list and selects it as well. the boy is convinced that if he reads enough, he can explore as many career paths as he likes. and so he reads—everything from encyclopedias to science fiction novels. he reads so passionately that his parents have to institute a “no reading policy”at the dinner table.

that boy was bill gates,and he hasn’t stopped reading yet—not even after becoming one of the most successful people on the planet. nowadays, his reading materials have changed from science fiction and reference books; recently, he revealed that he reads at least 50 nonfiction books a year. gates chooses nonfiction title because they explain how the world works.“each book opens up new avenues of knowledge,”gates says.


assignment 作业/使命

select 选择

a list of occupation 作业清单

tick 勾选

astronaut 宇航员

be convinced 深信

encyclopedia 百科全书

science fiction novel 科幻小说

passionate 充溢热情的

institute 初步实施

reference book 东西书

reveal 戳穿

nonfiction book 非小说类丛书

avenue 大道


本篇文章全体难度不大,根柢和2021年相等。通篇简略句为主,呈现了几个宾从和状从,没有呈现定语从句,根柢仍是依照顺译的原则,介词短语呈现时要调序,留心表达通畅。grade大学,grader 加了“r”翻译为“…的人” ;so …that 如此…致使于…




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