
lⅱ. metaphysical poets and cavalier poets metaphysical poets john donne and those who wrote under his influence to shatter myths and replace them with new philosophies, new sciences, new worlds and new poetry to break away from the conventional fashion of elizabethan love poetry(refined language, polished rhyming schemes and eulogy to ideal love)
■emotions are shaped and expressed by logical reasoning.
■the verse is often intentionally rough.
■the use of metaphysical conceits(which brings together things that

are primarily unlike)
■1.john donne(1572-1631)
the songs and sonnets:his early lyrics
■holy sonnets:religious poems厦sermonsthe flea john donne mark but this flea,and mark in this,how little that which thou deniest me is;it suckd me first,and now sucks thee,and in this flea our two bloods mingled be.
thou knowd swells with one blood made of two;and this,alas!is more than we would do.

o stay, three lives in one flea spare, where we almost, yea, more than married are.
this flea is you andi, and this our marriage bed, and marriage temple is. though parents grudge, and you, wed in these living walls of jet.
though use make you apt to kill me, let not to that self-murder added be, and sacrilege, three sins in killing three.

cruel and sudden, hast thou since purpled thy nail in blood of innocence?
wherein could this flea guilty be, except in that drop which it suckd from thee?
yet thou triumph st not thyself nor me the weaker now.
s death took life from thee.

■ paradise lost it is a long epic in 12 books, written in blank verse.
the story is from the old testament.
god:a tyrant satan:a rebellous angel full of spirit
samson agonistes
■the story is from the in the old testament.
there is much in common between samson and milton.
(blindness, unhappy marriage, longing for freedom)

brief summary milton was a militant pamphleteer of the english revolution, and the greatest english revolutionary poet of the 17th century.
milton wrote the greatest epic in english literature.
milton was a master of the blank verse.
milton was known for his he used long and involved sentences, which ran on many lines with a variety of pauses, and achieving sometimes an oratorical and sometimes an elaborately logical effect.
miltons style is also commonly said to be latinate. he was fond of inversion.
milton has been admired for his sublimity of thought and majesty of expression.

-dryden definitely favoured the neo-classical rules of drama as set down by the french dramatists and critics,yet he showed his preference for english drama to french drama,with particular praises for shakespeare,ben jonson,and fletcher.
—“to begin,then,with shakespeare.he was the man who of all modern,and perhaps ancient poets,had the largest and most comprehensive soul.(最广博,最能领会悉数的智力)all the images of nature were still present to him,and he drew them,not laboriously,but luckily(奇妙的,不露痕迹的);when he
describes any thing,you more than see it,you feel it too.those who accuse him to have wanted learning,give him the greater commendation:he was naturally learn.

read the following quotations and answer the questions.
passage 1(北航2007研)questions(10 points):
“..what though the field be lost?1.the quotation is from miltons allis not lost the unconquerable will,masterpiece,what is it?what are the and study of revenge,immortal hate,artistic features of the author?
and courage never to submit or yield,and what is else not to be overcome;2.briefly comment on the poem.
that glory never shall his wrath or might extort from me.to bow or sue for grace 3.describe the image of satan according with suppliant knee,and deify his power,to the passage quoted.
who,from the terror of his arm,so late doubted his empire,that were low indeed,4.what is the characterization of god in that were an ignominy and shame beneath the poem?
this downfall…”

1. the quotation is from miltons masterpiece, what is it?
what are the artistic features of the author?
paradise lost features:
-milton was a master of the blank verse.
milton was known for hishe used longand involved sentences, which ran on many lines with a variety of pauses, and achieving sometimes an oratorical and sometimes an elaborately logical effect.
miltons style is also commonly said to be latinate. he was fond of inversion.
milton has been admired for his sublimity of thought and majesty of expression.
2. briefly comment on the poem.
— it is an epic poem of 12 books, written in blank verse.
-the stories were taken from the old testament.
the poem concerns the biblical story of the fall of man: the temptation of adam and eve by the fallen angel satan, and the expulsion from the garden of eden.
-it also describes satans rebellion against god and his defeat and fall into hell.
— it is often considered one of the greatest literary works in the english language.
3. describe the image of satan according to the passage quoted.
satan, though defeated, voices his hatred for god who is tyrannical in the eyes of the rebellious angel. satan utters repeatedly and forcibly his indomitable will to defy tyranny and plot revenge.
the rebellious speech by satan was an outpouring of the poets personal hatred for the restored monarch at the time.
4. what is the characterization of god in the poem?
god is described as a tyrant,a selfish despot, seated upon a throne with a chorus of angels about him eternally singing his praises. his long speeches are never pleasing. he is cruel and unjust in his struggle against satan.
short answer questions how many books does paradise lost consist of?who arethe four main characters in the epic,and what are the respective relations between them?(人大2006研)key points:
-god satan,the highest angel in heaven before his downfall
-adam,the first maneve,the first woman
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