(double 是动词!)with only a fortnight left before the deadline, not even a third of companies, charities and public bodies have met their legal requirement to publish figures on their gender pay gaps.词汇打破:1.fortnight:14天(两周)2. deadline 最终期限3. not even a third 不到三分之一4. charities and public bodies 慈悲组织和公共机构5. legal requirement 法令上的需求6. gender pay gaps 性别薪酬间隔骨干辨认:not even a third of companies, charities and public bodies have met their legal requirement

切分红分:1.with only a fortnight left before the deadline,(状语)2.to publish figures on their gender pay gaps (这个既可以认为是状语也可所以定语,都讲的通,就不必纠结了。)参阅译文:版别一:还有两周就到最终期限了,可是只需不到三分之一的公司,慈悲组织和公共机构按法令需求发布性别薪酬间隔数据。版别二:还有两周就到最终期限了,抵达(发布其性别薪酬间隔数据的法令需求)的公司、慈悲机构和公共机构还不到三分之一。昨日的文章就是在告诉咱们在英国男女收入的不对等,这也是本年国外媒体一向重视的抢手。其实咱们也会有这样的疑问,出题人中不少是女人。我信赖她们也会重视这一论题的。昨日标题的答案:1.有多少公共机构没有发布数据?跨越三分之二2.最终期限还有几天?14天3.是不是一切公司都需求发布数据?根据这个语句咱们是不晓得答案的;所以精确答案就是:不晓得!
今日的语句:(二十一句)facebook 的疑问简略的说就是没有维护好用户的隐私数据,被一家数据公司用于政治意图!具体的疑问我们可以听我的语音说明!我讲的很细心,你真的值得听!the reports allege that cambridge analytica was passed data collected by global science research using a psychological survey app for research. it used the data to create profiles on respondents and their friends, which were used for political targeting without consent.词汇打破:1.allege 声称2.a is passed b (a 获得了b)3. profile 档案4. a psychological survey app for research 用于研讨的心思查询使用程序5. respondent 受查询者6. political targeting 政治方针定向(查询你撑持哪个党派)7. consent 附和第一句:骨干辨认:the reports allege that/切分红分:1.cambridge analytica was passed data宾语从句:剑桥分析获得了这些数据2.collected by global science research (data的定语,可是不要前置,独立成句)全球科学研讨搜集了一些数据;3. using a psychological survey app for research.(global science research的定语,可是不要前置,独立成句!)全球科学研讨运用一款用于研讨的心思查询app参阅译文:有关报导称,全球科学研讨(global science research)运用一款用于研讨的心思查询app搜集了一些数据。剑桥分析获得了这些数据。(感遭到独立成句的魅力了吧!)第二句:it used the data to create profiles on respondents and their friends, which were used for political targeting without consent.骨干辨认:it used the data to create profiles on respondents and their friends剑桥分析使用这些数据创建了被查询者及其兄弟们的档案,切分红分:which were used for political targeting without consent. 定语从句(独立成句)而这些档案在未征得附和的情况下被用于政治方针定向。参阅译文:剑桥分析使用这些数据创建了被查询者及其兄弟们的档案,而这些档案在未征得附和的情况下被用于政治方针定向。
明日的语句(第二十二句):(想提?伎季涂梢蕴崆8伎迹醯美鄣木椭豢唇袢盏挠锞洌豢疵魅盏挠锞洹N沂遣皇呛芑。空飧龇椒ㄊ遣皇怯佑呕烤醯梅浅:镁偷愀鲈捱拢恍还奈瑁?)the facebook ceo broke his five-day silence on the scandal /that has enveloped his company this week /in a facebook post/ acknowledging that/ the policies that allowed the misuse of data were a breach of trust/ between facebook and the people who share their data with us and expect us to protect it.疑问:1.the facebook ceo 在哪里表达了观念?2.啥损坏了信赖?



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