


1.?not so much…but/as… ?与其说是……不如说是……

a good social status depends not so much on who you are but where you are and how much you know. 一个好的社会方位与其说是取决于你的身份,还不如说是取决于你的日子环境和常识水平。

2.?it is common practice for sb. to do sth. ?……做……是一种常规

it is common practice for parents to be addicted to their cellphones when they have kids with them. 家长们在当作人时静心手机的表象很常见。

3.?it is self-evident that… ??……是清楚明晰的

it is self-evident that childhood experiences must have a profound effect upon our beliefs about ourselves. 显着,年少阅历必定会对咱们的自我崇奉发生深远影响。

4.?feel honor bound to do sth. ??觉得在道义上有责任做某事

the little boy feels honor bound to take care of his 80-year-old grandfather when his parents are absent. ?小男孩觉得父母不在时,他大约照看自个80岁高龄的爷爷。

5.?be that as it may ?即便如此

perhaps there isn’t one single system that will work for everyone. be that as it may, we all need order in our lives. ?或许并不存在一自个人都适用的准则。尽管如此,咱们的日子仍是需要次序的。

6.?the conventional wisdom ?我们广泛的观点,传统的崇奉

the conventional wisdom is that women are at a disadvantage in the labor market. 我们广泛认为女人在劳作力商场处于下风方位。

7.?suffice it to say ?无需多说,只……就够了

suffice it to

say, garbage sorting is a right measure large cities take to protect the environment. 不必多说,废物分类是大城市采纳的维护环境的正确一步。

8.?paper over the cracks ?掩盖不合或困难

we need to discuss disagreements honestly without papering over the cracks. ?咱们大约待人以诚地谈论不合而不是掩盖隐秘。

9.?go to great lengths to do sth. ??用尽全力做某事

even ordinary people should go to great lengths to live every single day to the fullest. ?即就是一般人,也使用尽全力过好每一天。

10.?keep tabs on sb./sth. ?亲近留心……

the police have been keep tabs on jack since he got out of prison. ?自从杰克出狱以来,差人一向在紧密监督他。



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