原标题:打卡 | 考研英语每日一句62






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changes to the pension system have been a political flashpoint for every french president, because they are seen as the cornerstone of france’s cherished model of social protection. but macron’s changes were seen as unfair in part because of a muddled communications drive to explain them to the public. trade unions said lower-income, manual workers would suffer the most from the pension age rising from 62 to 64, because they begin their working life earlier; higher earners, who start paying into the system later because of university studies, will feel less of an impact as many retire at 67 on a full pension.


based on the text, pension system reform __.

a.was primarily initiated by the trade union

b.has hurt the interests of manual workers

c.was biased against better paid employees

d.succeeded in gaining grassroots support

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每日一句62音频:发展条00:00 03:47 撤离15秒倍速 快进15秒



changes to the pension systemhave been a political flashpoint for every french president, because they are seen as the cornerstone of france’s cherished model of social protection.



but macron’s changes were seen as unfair in part because of a muddled communications drive to explain them to the public.



trade unions said lower-income, manual workers would suffer the most from the pension age rising from 62 to 64, because they begin their working life earlier;higher earners, who start paying into the system

later because of university studies,will feel less of an impact as many retire at 67 on a full pension.



based on the text, pension system reform __.

a. was primarily initiated by the trade union


b. has hurt the interests of manual workers


c. was biased against better paid employees


d. succeeded in gaining grassroots support



最终一句话中谈到“manual workers would suffer the most”,这就现已是说的很理解了,膂力劳作者是受害最大的,b选项正确。





pension system 养老金准则

political adj .政治的

flashpoint n. 闪点

president n. 总统

cornerstone n. 基石

cherished v. 珍惜

social protection 社会维护

unfair adj. 不公正

muddled adj. 迷糊的

communications n. 交流

drive v. 推进

trade unions 工会

manual workers 膂力劳作者

higher earners 高收入者

retire v. 退休

full pension 全额养老金


因为预期无法获得议会的撑持,马克龙于3月16日宣告动用宪法第49.3条赋予的行政权力,绕过议会投票,强行经过退休准则变革,将法定退休年纪从当前的62岁逐步前进至64岁。此举一出, 法国多地迸发大规划示威活动,巴黎、雷恩和马赛等市的示威者走上街头,燃烧马克龙肖像,对立政府不经过议会投票就前进退休年纪。自四年前对立加征燃油税的“黄背心”运动之后,马克龙又一次被责备无视群众心境。 他辩称道,养老金无量的赤字缺口现已让他别无选择,假定变革法案没有获得大都投票,将带来极大的商场骚动,对经济构成非常低沉的影响。这位前银行家曾许诺,会让法国公民和政治阶层重归于好,陡峭彼此间越来越深的不信赖感,并完全变革福利体系;但专家称,他如今的行为加剧了公民对政治的幻灭,潜在地为极右翼将来的鼓起供给了助力。

原文标题:pension reform—macron faces the moment that may define his presidency(养老金变革——马克龙面临界说其总统任期的时刻)



also known as the silenced no more act, the bill protects workers who speak out about discrimination and harassment, even if they’ve signed a nondisclosure agreement, a common practice in the tech industry. as the law was making its way through the legislative system, a coalition of companies spearheaded by ozoma pushed other tech firms to commit to extending its protection to all employees, not just those based in california. apple tried to get the proposal thrown out, but in late december the sec ruled that the proposal does not “seek to micro-manage the company,” as apple claimed, meaning shareholders can now vote on it.



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